2. Announce

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"Mommy, won't you come with us?" Cassie says, brushing her hair off to the back of her ear. "No. I suppose all of you have earned your licences, am I correct?" The four nod. "I also know for sure you all know how too cook," they nod again. She smiles in a satisfactory way, knowing she had somehow beaten her children, as always.

She stood up and walked towards the door, heels clicking with every step. She paused near the door, "You will leave tommorow morning, as the drive is 3 days away. I expect you be arriving on the 21st. Start packing," she thenheaded out, followed closely by Brax, who had yet said any word after the scene.

---3 hours later, 7:00 p.m.---

"This is horrible. How could they be doing this to us?! Going on a trip, cooped up in a small car. FOR THREE.WHOLE.DAYS." Nigel says, pushing his glasses upwards. He puts his shorts inside his Navy blue suitcase, pushing the contents in to make it fit.

A/N: I'll tell u guys what's inside their bags later. Teehee!

"Dudes, I can't believe I'm saying this, but he's right. We shouldn't be doing this sort of stuff. Besides, I have my gym membership to register," Alex says, and the girls nod. However, Sadie protested, "Guys, won't it be sort of fun, I mean, mom HAS been on about how we always fight. Maybe it'll be a chance for us to finally, hopefully, make up???" She says, a smile covering her worried expression. When they look at her blankly, "Yeah, right, I should just shut up." She blurted out. Then walking out of the room.

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