70. real life!

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Ever since Katarina had seen Josh the previous week, he was the only thing on her mind.

She tried, she tried so hard not to think about him, but she couldn't help it, and her mind always wandered back to him.

He'd been going out and doing an insane amount of events, and traveling around, so he wasn't home when Katarina packed up all her belongings in a few days and moved in with Lucas.

He wouldn't return to that apartment for another month.

And when he had, it devastated him to find everything of Katarina's gone. Every book, every knick-knack, everything that she had brought in with her was now gone, and with Lucas. And it made Josh a little mad, but mainly sad, because he'd been the cause of her leave.

Katarina had no idea that today was the day Josh was going to be knocking on her door, and recreating her favorite scene from her favorite movie, with a little extra something.


It was seven at night, and Katarina had brought herself in from her backyard, where she'd eaten her dinner and drank some wine. Her house was sometimes lonely, since it was just her living here, but she preferred it that way for the way she was feeling emotionally.

Three soft knocks came to the door, and Katarina put her dishes in the sink, wiping her hands on a nearby cloth, and went over to the door, and gasped when she opened it to see Josh standing there, a bunch of poster boards in his hands.

She stood there silently as he turned them, and she read them in her head.

"I know I messed up more than ever," The first sign read, and that one was dropped to the ground for the next one. "And I know it would take me so long to earn your forgiveness."

"But Katarina, I was too stupid to have realized it before," Another sign dropped, "You are the best, most wonderful, best woman I've ever known."

"It took me a long time to figure out what to write," He dropped that sign, "And I don't know how soon you will forgive me for breaking your heart."

"But what you deserve in life is a man who will cherish and love you forever," The next sign revealed, "And I am completely determined to make myself the best man I can be to qualify for that."

He held up the last board, which read, "Katarina Claudia Harrison, you are The One I've been looking for, the love I never knew I couldn't survive without. And sweetheart, I have one question."

Josh set that sign down, and reached into his pocket. Katarina shrieked, putting her hands over her mouth. She'd started crying after reading the third sign, and now . . .

Before Josh could even open his mouth and ask the question, Katarina threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him deeply. When she pulled away, she stood up and wiped at her face, smiling joyously at him.

"Katarina, will you marry me?"

oh how i love you ⇉ josh grobanWhere stories live. Discover now