Chapter 2: Oaklee's Secret

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The next day it was obvious that Olympia wasn't fine. She struggled to get to her working station with puffy, squinty eyes, a bright red nose, and her mouth occasionally opening from the constant feeling of needing to sneeze. 

"Hey Otis," she greeted as cheerfully as she could, blowing her nose so loudly, Otis jumped from processing that sound before her words. 

"Olympia, what are you doing here," he inquired, not blind to her horrible state. 

"What do you mean? I'm here every day, working... Odd Squad is my life," she tacked onto the end in a bit of a drowsy tone. 

She was practically swaying from the cold that had weakened her. 

"But you're sick. You should go home and get some rest," Otis found himself speaking. 

"I'm fine," urged Olympia, but she sneezed so loud into her tissue that she hit her knee hard on the bottom of her desktop. 

"Otis! Olympia! May I please see you in my office," called the Top Ms. O politely, which was a change from the regular Ms. O's bossy request. 

"I need you two to work on a case," she started to explain when Otis and Olympia were situated before her desk, but then she noticed how awful Olympia looked. 

"Olympia, why are you here? You're obviously really sick," she pointed out. 

"I'm fine. Is Ms. O not back today," questioned Olympia in her own, hazy world. 

Otis was becoming nervous by how she kept swaying slightly right next to him. 

"No, she found out the vicious dragon has an entire family and village, so now her and O'Donahue have to further fight for peace," answered the Top Ms. O promptly. 

"Olympia, why don't you take the day off. Please? I can find someone else to do your case. I would hate to think of you being out on the field under your condition," spoke the top Ms. O. 

"What condition," asked Olympia, but just then her hand had missed its calculated spot on the desk top and she had tumbled into the juice bar, boxes of squeezed, sweet fruit falling onto her head. 

"Olympia, listen to the top Ms. O. You need to go home and get rest, and stop working," advised Otis. 

"Maybe you're right," Olympia disappointedly admitted as she struggled to stand. 

"I am feeling a bit," she paused to sneeze before finishing, "Under the weather." 

Otis managed a tiny, sympathetic smile as Olympia headed for the door. 

"Bye Otis," she waved while facing in the opposite direction. 

"Please find Oona to escort you out, Olympia! You're not looking too well," Top Ms. O made sure to get in. 

Olympia hardly reacted to her speech, but she eventually made her way down the stairwell and into Oona's lab, where the scientist was happy to assist her home. Otis casually turned back towards the top Ms. O, but then it dawned on him that they were alone. 

"Otis, I'll be working with you on your case today," she told him. 

"What," he asked in disbelief, although his arms remained folded behind his back per usual. 

"I think Orchid has proved herself capable of keeping everyone in line, and I'm not sure who else to partner you with. Your Ms. O is quite good at that task," noted the top Ms. O. 

Otis was already envisioning multiple nightmares of Orchid yelling at people to do things, and giving everyone the name of Sherman. He still followed Top Ms. O out of the office though as she called out to the agents that she was putting Orchid in charge while they worked on a tough case. An almost silent, yes, was heard nearby from none other than the latest person that ruled this Odd Squad, hopefully for only a short amount of time. Top Ms. O did not know these headquarters very thoroughly at all yet. She wasn't meant to though with Ms. O returning sometime in the near future. 

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