Chapter Thirteen: Home, Sweet Home

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Hey, guys!

First off, Im very very very very sorry for updating late! I truly am sorry. I just had a very huge emotional breakdown that I couldn't even write. Then, entrance exams for colleges are coming up and school is pretty much a pain in the butt. But, I wrote and I feel great!

Anyway, I wrote and updated because I freaking love you all. And I would also love to dedicate this chapter to @TARDISbrakesareon for letting one of my expectations happen! :D

Now, read, you guys! :D



(Chapter Thirteen: Home, Sweet Home)

For the past week in that glass cage, I did nothing but do breathing exercises every time Hemlock gives me headaches as she pushes her way out. The first few days were actually not that great and there were more cracks on the glass caused by Hemlock as she attempted to escape.

   Even though I was motionless and paralyzed inside of my own body with Hemlock in control, I could still hear and see everything she did. Bruce kept on instructing me and I followed him.

   According to Bruce, whenever it's Hemlock in control of my body, I'm like her when I'm the one in control: trapped and seeking escape. Like her, I could also push my way out and that's what Bruce told me to do. He was just so restless and wouldn't give up until three days ago, I didn’t really push my way out but I stopped her from getting out.

   Of course, I cried out of exhaustion but with that strong feeling of hope and success knowing that there's a chance Hemlock can be in control. But, that's still a theory; not all things you expect come out the way you want to be. Most of the time, they come out worse. Look at what happened to my biological family.

   Look at what happened to me.

   However, since I can control her now in a limited state, Bruce has announced the other day that we can go and give the Tower a visit, even if it's just for a little while. Of course, I'm thrilled but I'm still anxious that she might get out of control and...

   Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts, you moron!

   Are there even happy thoughts left in my head? If I just think of my family and my past life, I'd just burst out in tears. But if I think of the recent party I was thrown for, I think I might just cry harder. Still, I don't know what's to cry for about that.

   The sushi.

   The new-old people.

   The music.



   No. Not Steve. Yeah, he's one of my happiness but I don't think I've the right to since that tragic event Hemlock has done. If I ever see him again, I'm just going to apologize and if he doesn't forgive me, I'll try to digest it but I won't say I'll be fine with that. It's just that he was there for me ever since that incident in my school until that argument we had in the helicarrier. I want the both of us to be that close again as if we're the best of friends. As if we're...

   What am I even thinking about? I've got Will. Oh, how I miss him so much. I can't even imagine how he looks like right now or how he felt for the past week without ever speaking to me on the phone, without hearing my voice, without having me in his arms.

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