Chapter Four: Out of My Comfort Zone

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Now we all know that The Undaunted takes place after the events of Iron Man 3, based on the last chapter. Just keep an eye for some certain details and you might just know what'll happen next.


(Chapter Four: Out of My Comfort Zone)

"Choose as many as you'd like."

   Pepper's words enter my ears but take a while to be acted out. The clothes in this store are pretty but they aren't my type. They're all girly and flirty. What the heck happened to T-shirt and pants? And I don't think they fit me. Not in terms with body sizes, but you get what I'm saying.

   But this is a new life and I guess changing a few stuff about it wouldn't kill.

   As much as my memory gives me, the last time I went shopping with my mother, just the two of us, was when I was eleven. But she was always the one who bought a lot of stuff (clothes and other house stuff) and I used to buy novel books. Whenever we passed by a store selling clothes, she always pulled me to it and made me try on clothes. Of course, only a few stood out. And I already miss those times. Now, my throat hurts again but I manage to fight the tears.

   I walk to a rack of various dresses and just browse through them. They're all very pretty but one of them catches my attention and I take it off the rack. Examining the gray dress with thick straps makes me feel unfit for it. So, I return it back to the rack.

   "Why'd you return it?" Pepper asks. "It was pretty."

   Crinkling my nose, I reply, "I'm not into dresses."

   "Why don't you look around while I choose dresses for you?"

   That would be a bad idea. I don't like anyone choosing stuff for me without my presence, especially when we're talking about clothes. But, I just have to remember that it's my new life and I have to get used to the new things I'll be facing.

   This diem needs to be carpe'd while it lasts. Or is it carpe to diem?

   I find myself getting lost in the store and I'm surrounded by various kinds of tops, overtops and pants. By a column, I hesitate to take a shopping basket (but take one, anyway) and stroll into the racks of cardigans. A black and white striped one catches my eyes. Choosing a size, I take a small (since I'm very thin now) and place it in the basket.

   "Excuse me, miss," a voice makes every hair on my neck stand and I look up, finding a brunette boy. He is tall and, I got to admit, cute.

   Crap. This is seriously a new beginning for me. I've never been approached by a guy who seems my age out in public before.

   Son of a gun. Why am I acting like this considering that my family is gone? I should be mourning and miserable right now. But I guess, up there, they want me to be happy.

   Awkwardly, I give a grin. "Yes?" Don't be creepy. Don't be creepy.

   "I don't wanna seem, uh, I can't find the word," he hesitates. "Uh, jerky? to you but you might wanna know that you're in the men's area."

   I look around and find a sign that says it's the men's area and I snort in embarrassment. "Oh, crap," I mumble to myself. Looking back at the boy, I say, "Firstly, you didn't sound jerky or whatever. Second, thanks for telling me. So, I'm gonna go now to the women's area." My feet walk me out of the racks and onto the aisle. I really have no idea of where the women's area is now.

   "Wait!" the cute boy calls out and I turn around to him with my eyebrows raised. "I didn't mean to be rude. I'm Will." He smiles and holds out a hand.

The Undaunted (Book Two) [ON HOLD]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin