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"Damn Jackie!" Kelso exclaims as she kicks his left shin. "It's not my fault you look hot!"

Hyde rolls his eyes, "Kelso, touch her again and I swear I'll frog your eye out." 

    Despite a slight wave of jealousy, Hyde feels an urge to smile at this unique and strange sense of renewed familiarity. Jackie raises her brow with a victorious smirk, flicking her hair at Kelso and finding her place on Steven's lap, pecking his lips. Her heart flutters at the surging spark that hasn't left his lips whenever she kisses them, he feels so new, so familiar, so much like home. 

"Mm" He murmurs accidentally out loud.

Jackie smiles, her cheeks flushing pink. "Mm?"

   Hyde's gaze meets hers, it's melting into hers- into her chest. He's eyeing her, staring at her as if she were a meal, a goddess, some type of swim suit model he had dreamt up at the age of 13. And Jackie, she can feel the weight of his gaze- of his eyes, looking right through her, unraveling her, removing every inch of clothing with his stare.

"Mhm." Hyde whispers in her ear. 

"Steven!" Jackie smiles, her body feeling red hot.

        Hyde smiles at her flushed, embarrassed state and kisses her cheek sweetly. 

"AW!" Donna coos, sitting under Eric's arm. "Wook at the wittle Hyde, all in love."

"Whatever." Hyde doesn't bat an eye away from Jackie's face. 

Jackie nervously and anxiously looks away, "Oh shut up Donna! You and Eric haven't stopped tonguing each other!"

Donna glares at her. "Yeah! Well-" She smiles, "Whatever."

Eric smiles, "Look at us. Gangs back together! Even Fez- with his bag of candy."

Fez looks up from the floor where he's sitting criss crossed, face smudged with chocolate. "What? Stop staring at me you bastards!"

"How'd your date go Fez?" Donna asks with a smile.

Fez grins sheepishly. "A lot like this candy, it's inside me-"

They all stare at him confusedly.

"Fez, do you mean..?" Hyde asks.

Fez shrugs, eating more and more of his chocolate. "You know what I meant!"

         Hyde gets up to turn on the TV,  turning on his heel to face Jackie. She smiles at him. 

"I'm only going to ask once, got it?" Hyde states. Jackie's eyes widen, her heart bouncing within her chest.


"And I'm not getting on my damn knees!"

"Yes you are!" Jackie demands.

Hyde glares at her. "Fine." He's dropping to one knee. The entire gang gasps in awe as Mr. and Mrs Foreman enter the basement. "I asked them to come..." Hyde admits shyly, taking a deep breath as he removes his shades. 

"Oh Steven!" Mrs. Foreman exclaims, bouncing up and down clapping her hands, fighting back tears.

"Aww!" The gang say in unison.

"Shut up!" Hyde demands, trying to hold back his glare. "Jackie." He whispers, his heart beating fast in his chest. "I wanted to ask you in private, after taking money from your purse or something but Mrs. Foreman says I've got to be romantic. Look. I'm not good with words. You know how I feel about you, so I don't have to say it out loud-"

"Yes you do!" All the girls say at once.

Hyde sighs, tensing up, looking into Jackie's eyes. "You're the realest person and realest love I've ever known besides the Foreman's. You make me want to be better and you make me happy. I love you. I don't buy into this kind of crap but with you, this crap somehow makes sense. So, will you be my chick, for- you know, till we die?" He pulls out a crumpled tin foil and hands it to Jackie. "There's a ring in there somewhere, don't worry."

"Yes!" Jackie exclaims, tears running down her cheeks. She's quickly unraveling the tin foil and pulling out a large diamond ring, her eyes widening. "Ahh! Yes!" Her smile widens and she throws her arms around Hyde as they tumble to the floor. "Oh Steven! I love you!"

     The gang all begins to one by one pile on top of the couple. Hyde struggling to remove himself from their embrace. 

"Congratulations! You pair of dumbasses!" Mr. Foreman smiles, wrapping his arm around Kitty's shoulders. 


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