Part 4

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Next day.

Point Place, Wisconsin.

5:04 pm.

    Hyde is walking around the kitchen, staring at the phone. He's nervous. He's unsure and he's a complete wreck. He picks up the phone, beginning to dial Jackie's apartment number. What if Fez picks up? 

"Crap!" Hyde snarls, slamming the phone back into the wall. 

    This isn't going to work. This won't work. 

"Just call, for the love of God!" Eric sighs, bored. "You've been staring at the phone for the past hour!"

"Have not." Hyde glares at the phone. 

     The kitchens basement door opens and it's Fez. Hyde jumps back, shifting around the kitchen uncomfortably, leaning his back against a wall. Eric whistles haphazardly, picking up a COSMO magazine that was on the table hurriedly trying to pretend he's been reading it. 

"Oh hey, Fez! Look, Hyde! It's Fez!" Eric looks over his shoulder, smiling widely. "Didn't see you there buddy, whatcha doing here?"

Fez looks at the both of them questioningly. "What's going on?"

"Going on?" Hyde questions, nervously. "Why would you ask that?"

"Well," Fez looks around the room. "You both have this sweaty guilty look and Eric is reading last months Cosmo. All the tips for the fall don't work for the winter so it's suspicious."

"Well-" Eric swallows, "Um- I am on Africa weather still, so my body is still in the Fall."

"Right!" Hyde agrees. "You didn't know about weather jet lag? It's really bad."

Fez stares at them, nodding and smiling dumbly. "Oh yeah, I knew that." Fez heads for the kitchen fridge, "Sorry guys for being so aggressive. I'm a little down." He pouts. 

"No, it's alright," Eric says, almost laughing at his aggressive behavior. "What's keeping you down?"

"Jackie," Fez whines her name. "She still won't do it with me!" Fez gestures with his hands.

"Give her time," Hyde demands, annoyed with his persistence. 

"Well, I'm trying," Fez sits down at the kitchen table, "But she's being so weird, yesterday night I tried cuddling her and she got upset! I just don't get it, one minute she loves me and is all about Fez, the next she can barely stand me."

Hyde represses a sneaking smile, "Well, that's Jackie for ya."

"No!" Fez argues. "Not with you! With you, she couldn't keep her hands off of you but with me, everything takes work! Do you know how long it took for her to be comfortable with me touching her butt! I haven't gone to second yet."

"Yeah, well, I'm irresistible Fez." Hyde shrugs.

Eric gives Hyde a knowing look, "Look, Fez, you love her don't you?"

Fez makes a questioning face, "I think so?"

"You think so?" Hyde snaps, heading toward Fez, fists clenched. "What the hell does that mean?"

Fez crawls back into his chair, "I don't know!" He says, hands up, frightened. "I thought I did, I thought this is what I wanted."

Eric sneaks his way between Fez and Hyde, "Why don't you talk to her? Like right now? Go Fez!" Eric rushes Fez to his feet, "Go to her!"

Fez looks back at the both of them, as Eric pushes him out of the house. "But-"

"Go!" Eric insists, closing the sliding door. Fez stands behind the glass door, confused. He stares at the inside of the kitchen, turning around and heading away. "What the hell Hyde?"

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