"How long did it take for it to...um, go away?" I asked, not sure what term to use. He seemed to think that was funny cause he flashed me a smile

"I battled Leukemia for a little over three years. When I was almost nineteen they did more testing and scan, gave us the good news they could find track of it anymore. I will never forget that day. And I've been in remission for seven years now" he said and I was battling with the lump in my throat. He let of my hands for a moment and looked down at his side, his tattoo.

"This is what the numbers stand for. This is the date I was finally done with all of it. I saw it as the date i was waiting for years, when I could finally have a normal life. And you know what else I thought of when I was getting it done?"


"You. It was the date that the doctors gave me the news that I was officially remission, I thought to myself 'I'm gonna go get her'" he said and that was it. I felt air being knocked out of my lungs, and I lost it right there. Tears started streaming down my face faster than I could wipe them. This situation was crazy enough to drive someone insane. He was technically telling me hes wanted me since he was nineteen years old and I had been crazy for him since I was a pre teen. How does this messed up situations keep happening to me? I could've married someone I loved, and yet here I was, suck with a drunk maniac that wanted me for business reasons.

"So while I was busy being angry at you for leaving me, you were being poked, and prodded, and in love with me..." I said my throat closed up. Nate scooted forward and knelt in front of me and pulled me in his arms as my tears trickled down his chest.

"Scar, it's over now. I've been in remission for years now. And yes, I have been in love with you for many years, but I'm here now, and we can figure this out. Together" he whispered, cupping my cheeks and making look at him.

"I trust you" was what I responded, and he nodded, then looked down quietly.

"Unfortunately, that also means I won't be able to have kids. At least not...like that. The chemo, it just strong and three consecutive years pumping poison into your veins, can actually take a toll on you" he murmured, and I was blank.

"I didn't know if you wanted to have kids like that, and if that's a deal breaker for you, I honestly understand, I don't want to change any life plans that-" he was mumbling but I shut him up with a kiss. He moaned against my lips as his arms went around me, his hand caressing my cheek lovingly

"Are you insane, Nathaniel Hatford?" I breathed the words out, my hands grasping his cheeks, so he could look at me in the eye.

"I have been in love with you since I can remember. Having kids with you is the least of my worries right now. I want you, and only you" I told him, and I saw his Adams apple bob a bit and his eyes water up, but he wouldn't cry.

"Do you mean that?" he asked in a whisper and I smiled a bit, pressing my lips against his.

"How could I not? As long as you let me get as many puppies as I want, I will be fine. But I want you, always" I whispered, my voice never faltering. I meant every word; I wanted Nate, and this was not his fault, so I would take what I could, as long as I had him by my side.


The next morning, I woke up in Nate's room, among fluffy white bed sheets, and alone. I remember falling asleep on the couch the previous night, so I was going to take a wild guess and say that Nate had carried me up here. Changing into the clothes I had the night before, I skipped downstairs happily, just to be shocked and stopped dead in my tracks when Alex's eyes met mine from the breakfast bar.

Oh shit

"Hey..." I said in a murmur, trying to look as neutral as possible. When I walked inside the kitchen Nate's head whipped in my direction and he gave me a cute secret smile as he poured some OJ for Alex.

The Lover (18+) [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant