Chapter Twenty

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The hounds yelped and tumbled and the riders milled confusedly, but Tam could feel the Huntsman’s attention still fastened on them.

“Come on! That will only hold them for a minute.” Jennet grabbed his shoulder and they sprinted into the shelter of the trees.

The white bark glowed softly, lighting their way. They dodged around the trunks, and finally, finally stumbled into the faerie-ring clearing. Nothing had ever looked as good as the circle of mushrooms before them.

Jennet leaped into the center, but before Tam could follow, something took hold of his leg and yanked. Pain slammed through his senses and he glanced down to see a coal-black hound, its teeth locked around his calf. He pulled his sword and slashed at the hound, who twisted its body out of the way.

“Tam!” Jennet cried.

She had her staff pointed at his attacker, but he didn’t think she could get a clear shot - not with the way the creature was shaking and pulling at him. He cut downward again, connecting this time. The hound let out a muffled yelp, but didn’t let go.

On the outskirts of the trees, dark figures were silhouetted. Then the leader strode forward, the shadow of his antlers reaching toward Tam. Fear seized him in its strong fist.

He took his sword in both hands and drove it down, point-first. There was a spray of something hot and sickening across his face, and the hound let go with a screeching whimper.

“Hurry!” Jennet’s voice was high and panicky.

He scrambled to the ring, his left leg not quite working. Jennet reached for him with both hands and he managed to get inside without trampling any of the mushrooms.

An angry cry resonated through the clearing. Just before the swirl of golden light surrounded them, Tam saw the Huntsman. His cloak billowed out and his antlered helm was lit with an eerie light. The figure lifted one hand and pointed at them, but it was too late. The Wild Hunt’s prey had escaped.

 # # #

“Ow!” Tam tried to pull his leg away, but Jennet held him firmly. He slouched back on the gaming-room couch and tried not to look at the bloody bite in his leg.

“Hold still. We have to disinfect this.” Jennet swiped again at the punctures, and he tried not to flinch.

Good thing she’d had an emergency kit in her bathroom. Of course, this was the kind of house that would be well-stocked for any eventuality. A bite from a nightmare hound? No problem. He sucked in his breath as she poked at his injury.

“Hey,” he said, “you’d complain too, if your leg had just been used as a chew toy by some demon dog. How come, when things get rough in-game, we can’t just hit the exit button?”

“There isn’t one.” She frowned. “It’s one of the things the designers are working on. We could ‘escape’ out, but that re-sets the whole game. We’d be back at Fynnod’s cottage again.”

“It might be better than being run to ground by the Wild Hunt. Although - that spell you used on them was pretty effective. What was it?”

“A light flash with a sonic blast. Too high for us to hear, but I thought it would get to the animals.”

“Nice choice - I never would have thought of something like that.”

She smiled a little, then rummaged in the emergency kit. “I don’t think you’ll need stitches. Just a little plas-skin to get you through.”

She lifted the can and sprayed, the contents sealing and soothing the bite. Welcome numbness spread through his leg, and Tam let out a low sigh. Jennet laid a bandage over his wounds and tucked the can of plas-skin away. When she looked at him again, her expression was serious.

“So, are you convinced now?” she asked. “Feyland is dangerous.”

“Yeah - it’s dangerous. To you, to me, maybe even the whole world, if what Thomas said is true.”

He glanced down at the bandaged bite. There was no fooling himself that he’d somehow gotten hurt on the way home - not like last time.

“I’m sorry, Tam. I never meant for you to get hurt. I was just so afraid, and I couldn’t get back in alone…” She pressed her lips together and looked away from him.

“I don’t blame you, Jennet. But this isn’t just your fight any more. What if the creatures in Feyland got through? We can’t let that happen.”

For a moment he flashed on a horrible image of the Wild Hunt riding through the streets of the Exe. His little brother, his mom, chased down and savaged by hounds with glowing eyes.

“I… I never wanted to put you in danger, too,” she said, her voice low.

She looked so miserable that he reached out and took her hand. It felt different than when he touched her in-game. The contact with her slim fingers jolted through him, but he didn’t pull away.

“Hey,” he said. “Sometimes we don’t really have as much control over things as we think. We’re in this together now. Ok?”

“All right.” She squeezed his fingers and an odd, breathless silence fell between them.

Tam cleared his throat. “I think I can stand now.”

Still holding his hand, she slowly drew him up. Their faces were close - so close he could feel her breath against his cheek. His heart raced, as if they were running from the Wild Hunt again. Her lips looked really soft.

“Miss Jennet.” HANA’s metallic voice sounded through the room.

Jennet jumped back and dropped Tam’s hand. “Um, yes?”

“Would you like to have the car summoned?”

“Sure, go ahead and call George.” Jennet gave him a weak smile and moved toward the hallway. “Guess it’s time for you to go.”

“Yeah, I should get home.”

Home, where his mom was slowly pulling herself together. He didn’t kid himself that she was better, but every day that she was around and functioning was worth remembering. He stuck his hands in his pockets and followed Jennet down the stairs. At least his leg felt good enough to walk on.

“See you tomorrow,” she said when they got to the door. Her gaze met his and held, her blue eyes clear and full of honesty. “And Tam… thank you.”


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