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A/N: Sorry guys I have been gone. My computer was litterally shit so I couldn't so anything. The mouse was moving on it's own, not allowing me to move it at all, some fo the keys were missing and didn't work, and the screen had a HUGE crack in the middle, so I couldn't see very well.

Now, on with the story!

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The blond haired man tensed up a little, turning around and looking at the short man in front of him. "Why, we are just being friendly." Eyeing the Corporal/Captain up and down, he snorted as if he was another idiot. "Come on Eren, let's go get some drinks, it will be fun!"

"Idiot! We are too young--" Eren snapped at his rival, his eyes slightly scared because of Corporal. Jean grabbed Eren's hand, only to be karate chopped. 

"Idiot, he said no, now go fuck yourself. Come on Eren." Levi turned around and walked away with his poker face still on. 

Jean grabbed Eren, saying some quick and face-flushing words. Eren couldn't help it but blush madly at what his rival was saying, trying to get away from him. "J-Jean... No, w-what the hell-- A-Ahhh.." The blond haired man lightly grazed one of his hands in between Eren's legs, smirking. 

"Wow, wonder what happened here.." Eren covered his mouth with another hand, pushing Jean back with his other hand and then punching his face swiftly with his used hand. Eren wasn't top in combat for nothing, well second, but Mikasa is top at everything.

"G-Get away from me!" And with that, the boy ran away to the castle that was his cage. His mind was just so confused, in one day he was touched by two different men, one a higher up and another was a collegue. It felt so wrong to him, shivering at the touch of both men, wanting more and more from both.

No. I-It's wrong. It's disguesting, I should be liking woman-- Not men!  The brown haired boy went down to the dungeon and went into his bed, going into a fetal position as he mentally had a war with himself. After a few minutes, he heard light foot steps, toe-heel first. Only one person did that around here, and her name was Petra.

Petra slowly came down, looking around and shivering. "Wow, it's really cold down here.. Eren.. Are you okay?" She smiled lightly and went to him, rubbing his back and chuckling at the child in front of her. "Eren, come on, tell Petra."

Eren kept on crying lightly, scared to tell his good friend. She was like a mother-- Well, mother figure to him. He sat up, blubbering lightly and then putting his head onto Petra's lap. "C-Corporal... A-And.. J-Jean.. They-they.." He kept on crying, confused about everything. 

"What did they do? Come on, it's okay Eren, tell me!" 

"H-How do you kn-know if you like b-boys..?" Petra sat stiff, looking at the crying boy in her lap. Letting out a soft sigh, she petted Eren's soft hair. "I-I never.. Kissed a girl.. Or a boy.. But-- But--"

"You don't have to kiss one to love one. Love isn't attraction, but connection with a person you have deep feelings with.." Eren thought this through, taking in Petra's kind words. Levi seriously beat Eren in court, if he could count that as a connection, it would be quite a morbid one. Jean.. He's an ass, but there is kindness in him.

"Can I kiss you P-Petra.. I wanna try.."

A Blind Love Complex (LevixErenxJean) Shingeki no KyojinWhere stories live. Discover now