Sparks die?

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Eren was once again cleaning the god-forsaken castle-house-whatever the fuck they live in. Groaning as he sat down, Eren noticed a book that has fallen over. Looking at it's spine, it is a book on poetry. Curiosity sparked his mind as he sat down and started reading.

A little girl sat on the bed, her night as long as a bird's flight.

She sat and looked outside her window, sighing as she drew on her desk.

"Why do you do what you do?" The desk asked, "What is your quest?"

She smiled and purred to the desk, "Are you my friend?"

The desk only smiled with what the little girl have given it.

Crayons piled beside her, no one really spoke but her.

"You shall be my friend until I get home."

"I wonder who made this.." Eren was almost clueless to what the author was trying to tell, but he looked at the book to find that the name has been worn off. Eren leaned back a bit in the chair he was reading in and huffed. Times like these, he wished he had some company, though he liked the silence. "I wonder what the next page is about.."

Outside the meadow, there was a pedal. A pedal  that gleamed in the snow.

Hair black as coal mined form the mountains, her eyes seemed boundless with sorrow.

She lay in the snow, all covered in woe.

For what she has done

Will make her plunge into a pile.

Wish she may for what she wants, but she cannot stop the blood.

Eren closed the book and muttered something softly, putting the book on a random shelf and leaving the room. The poems seemed random and utterly pointless. Was it a story of some sorts, or a madman just screwing around, maybe it was some washed up author trying to get more money.

Moving swiftly, though he wasn't very elegant, Eren already had his 3DMG hooked on top his body. Levi always wants it on everyone, because the squad is always busy with surveying everything. Going to a window, he looked around at everything. Levi was having a meeting with Erwin. Jean was tending to the horses, then he is supposed to go help Armin and leave for a while.

Petra, his lovable best friend, was being harassed by Auro, which is surprising because the guy always seems to be trying to brown nose somebody's ass every chance he gets but that is special treatment for the higher ups. 

Hoping on the window sill, Eren sat on it and watched. Amusingly, looking at Auro's failed attempts to get Petra to like him, he cracked out a smile.

He wanted to yell at Petra to get some D! But that would be 'immature'. The child inside of Eren screamed for him to do it, so moving his hands up, he then set them back down quickly trying to decide to shout it out or not. To him it was funny, and an easy way to embarrass Petra for what she did to him. 

She didn't really do anything but it was just fun messing with her anyways.

Auro then bit his tongue, having the blood gush out and splatter, some landing on Petra. "Damn it Auro, you need to see a doctor about your bad habit of biting your tongue!" Huffing, she angrily looked at Auro but she was also really worried that he might die. 

It was rare for Petra to snap or get angry, let alone glare at someone who is injured but his pick up lines were just idiotic! I mean, who the hell says, 'You can't spell Dick without the letter I'. Petra shivered at the thought, sighing as she went inside with Auro to patch himself up.

But in all reality, Eren was laughing up a storm and now in hysteria, his eyes watering as he was on the floor in fetal position. He couldn't help it anymore, so he just let it all out, not hearing somebody come into the room.

Hiccuping, Eren sat up and started wiping his eyes. His stomach hurt, along with his face but he couldn't get that stupid grin off his face. He was truly happy, and genuinely grinning.

A Blind Love Complex (LevixErenxJean) Shingeki no KyojinWhere stories live. Discover now