Brooklyn releases my hand and steps forward to open the window letting a rush of wind hit us. He leans forward as he looks around and then he looks up and his smile grows before twisting to look at me.

"Come on," he directs with a tilt of his head.

I walk forward and lean my upper body out of the window to look down and see the backyard and all the people on the deck. String lights hang above them as people stand around drinking, talking, and smoking.

My gaze then falls to the ladder right next to the window. My eyes widen at the sight of it and I know instantly what he has in mind. Brooklyn broke both his arms within a year span when we were children because of his need to constantly climb trees and eventually his roof.

He loved being as close to the sky as possible.

"Seriously?" I ask with both nerves and excitement spiraling through my veins.

"The view is amazing," he tells me as if he needs to convince me any further. He's here. Brooklyn is here in Illinois at a college party with me, and he's smiling and touching me and at this moment I would follow him anywhere.

I narrow my eyes playfully but with a breathy laugh I nod in agreement. The ladder is short and I can see the roof just a few feet above us. It wouldn't take much and I also know Brooklyn would never put me in danger.

"You first," he tells me. He always used to make me climb in front of him even as a kid. Even as reckless children he wanted to protect me and my heart beats wildly at the memories. The memories that flood me every time I hear his voice or see his smile over FaceTime. But I also ache to create new memories with him.

And it seems as if he wants to do the same tonight.

I use the window as leverage as Brooklyn helps me reach out of the window and secure my grip on the ladder. I tug on it once and feel how sturdy it is and my nerves lessen. His strong and assured hands lift to my waist, his grip tight letting me know he won't let me fall. My heart flutters and my stomach flips at the action and I have to suppress the sigh that wants to fall from between my lips.

His touch instantly makes me feel safe. His touch sends me into overdrive and causes my entire body to flush with the need for more.

With a single breath I push from the soles of my feet and shift my body forward so I'm completely on the ladder. I take myself up the few bars until I'm lifting myself onto the flat side of the roof. It's a small space. Perfect enough just for us, but as I turn a gasp lodges in my throat at the view.

The house we are at sits outside of campus at the edge of the city. The midnight sky is the perfect backdrop for the bright lights spanning ahead of me. The city looks alive with its glass skyscrapers and glowing street lights. Red and white lights illuminate the pavement from car headlights as they drive up and down the busy highways.

"Good right?" Brooklyn's deep voice comes from behind me.

I can't look away. "Good?" I laugh. "More like amazing," I tell him as my eyes take it all in.

I've spent the last couple months in this city, but most of the time was spent on campus not really getting to know my new home. But now as I look upon the bustling city my bones buzz with the need to explore. I grew up in a small town, but now I want more.

My eyes catch on Brooklyn who has now stepped forward to stand right beside me. He's close as our shoulders brush and his knuckles drag against mine making my body heat.

Before I can stop myself I reach out and grab onto his calloused hand. The feel of his warm hand in mine settles everything within me. I feel at home almost as if we are back in Easton on the beach staring at the waves and not on a roof in a vibrant city.

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