Chapter 28

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Previously: Zacky nodded as he got ready to continue talking.

-So there is something which shows us that people have these powers and also which level they are. You can see their "level" as their strength.

Their eye colors.

Chapter 28 :

We had 3 levels, also 3 colors;

Orange, which is the color of the general fighters. 

Purple, the powerful ones.

And the Grey ones which were the heroes of the people.

They have an unbelievable power, able to be used for everything, but there was this legend which would make the "everything" of the Grey ones a big nothing.

Zacky suddenly stopped. 

He looked very excited and nervous, but he still stopped himself.

-This is gonna be the biggest part now. 

He laughed softly


Sarah was kinda aware of what she was gonna hear because this was all about different eye colors and the only color left was white. 


She answered with a shaking voice 

Zacky looked like he was gonna continue with all the excitement, but he stopped himself again. It looked like he wasn't sure on how to continue. 

After a few seconds, he got ready to continue again, but this time in a controlled way.

-Most of the people didn't believe in it, but some did...Because...because they knew.

He looked at her to check her face expression

That was me and my team.

"Okay Zach, you made this long enough"

He bit his underlip; he didn't feel ready, but he knew it was time.

-It's you Sarah, the white-eyed.

Sarah stared at him. She knew this was gonna come, she was expecting it. Still, it hit her. She was 16, she had lived long 16 years like anybody else without ever noticing anything...

Until the last weeks...

 "Okay, girl small thoughts are done. You can continue thinking later, but now you need to say something."

She threw a very small side look at Zacky to see his expression.

She saw that he was looking at her, just as nervous as her.

He made the progress slow, but no matter how slow, you would never be prepared enough for it.

Plus she was a failure at awkward moments and this was an xxxxxl awkward moment.

She felt the stress rising with every second she couldn't find an answer.

-I...I..I don't know what to say.

She let out her nervousy with a little laughter.

-I guessed that. 

Zacky answered with the same nervous tone.

Sarah felt deep in thoughts again. 

Now it was officially told. No escape.

A bunch of powerful people fighting against the bad would see her stronger than themselves.

That was gonna be unfair for both sides. She didn't know anything about these.."powers"...and they probably train for these powers nonstop.

She would have to take the responsibility of being the "Legend" of a bunch of people.

The master of the bad which Zacky talked about was probably scary guy.

Would she have to fight against him? What were his "fairytales"?

She signed to get herself out of all these thoughts and the look on her face changed to an uncomfortable grimace.

Zacky signed. 

He raised his hands.

-I told you that time would be the best, but guess who wouldn't listen? 

Sarah signed back mixed with a laughter.

-That was me. 

-Yep, sadly, but now there is no way back anymore.

The Team with the LegendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora