Chapter 19

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Sarah was at the street full of shops and human. Arghhh she hated to have to cross streets with much human, but back to her reason for being here.Prom. Which was only 2 days away so, she needed to find a shop with dresses. She started to walk step by step on the hot and full streets, looking into every shop she was crossing. All the human with different colored and designed clothes made her mind buzz. Ignoring the hotness and big crowd she kept walking until she finally stopped in front of a shop full of suits and dresses. It also had a special writing on the big window "PROM SALE"

"Found my shop." Sarah thought with a smirk on her face. She shortly waited in front of the automatic opening door, then she entered the big shop and the sudden atmosphere change relaxed her whole body, here were none of the problems from outside; Not much human and not too hot. 

" I should get myself an aircon too" she thought while walking around in the store. 

A middle-aged woman which seemed to work here came to her direction.

"ugh noooo" 

Sarah thought and she eye-rolled.

-Hello, Miss Welcome to our store. Could I help with anything?

The woman said with a warm smile.

Sarah fake smiled and answered;" Oh yes, that would be great. Could you show me where the prom dresses are?" 

The woman started to look excited which was kinda creeping Sarah out.

-Oh, so you are graduating? Congratsss!!   

The woman was smiling brightly.

Sarah couldn't stop a laughter, but she stopped herself quickly.

-Thank you so much, but no. I'm not graduating, still, we have to attend prom every year.

-Oh, poor you. 

The woman said kinda heartbroken 

-Follow me.

They walked and walked which shocked Sarah.

"How could that shop be so big! Bruh.

They finally stopped 

-Here we are 

The woman nodded and then she left.

Sarah let her eyes glide to the part of the store she was. No one else was there, She had it all for herself. A happy sigh came out of her.

She walked slowly touching every single dress she was passing.Her eyes were studying all the details of the dresses.Her eyes were passing from one to another.She slowly started to think that she was wrong when she thought that this was her shop because most of the dresses were looking like table sheets, but she didn't want to lose faith so she kept walking and walking. And then, she saw it.It was left alone at a corner.

It was knee length and curved from the bottom.It was half armed which added something special to it, but the thing which made her fall in love with it was its color. A greyish mat black which looked just stunning.It was simple but beautiful. She needed this dress.

"Please please please"

She slowly moved her hand to the dress to check its size.

She felt her heartbeat getting louder and the sweat faster.If this dress wasn't  in her size, she wouldn't be able to like any other dress.

Her hand arrived at the dress.

She knifed her eyes together.


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