Louis Tomlinsons' Carrot Queen

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The sun was shining brightly as my soccer team, The Dragons, faced off against The Cheetas. The crowd cheered as I scored a goal for the team. The score was 3-3. The final whistle blew, signaling the tie breaker.

The Cheetas' kicker stepped in front of the goal and prepared to shoot. The people on the sidelines booed when the goalie stopped the flying ball.

My moment was up. It was do or die for this game. I lined up in front of the goal and prepared to score. Taking a few deep breaths, I concentrated on the task in front of me. I took a few steps back and then ran at the ball. My foot connected with it and it flew straight into the upper left corner of the goal. The crowd cheered as my team celebrated our win.

It was then that I noticed a big red tour bus in the parking lot and five very famous boys cheering in the crowd. My mouth dropped open as they made their way throught the crowd towards me. Louis was the first to reach me and shouted in my face, "HOLY CARROTS!!! Nice shot!" I was completely stunned. Why would my idols be here at my soccer game?

Harry smiled flirtatously at me and said, "You've got skills, Courtney!" Wait, wait! How did he know my name?! I became aware that I was blushing.

Louis giggled and poked my cheek. "She's cute when she blushes!" He whisper shouted in Nialls' ear. This of course made me blush even more. Then Zayn, Liam, and Niall had to poke my cheek as well. I just stood there, shocked. The only thoughts going through my scrambled mind were 'Why?' and 'How do they know my name?' and 'Ohmygosh! It's One Direction!'

I resisted the urge to scream like a fangirl and asked, very calmly, "One, how do you know my name? Two, why are you here?" They looked at each other and grinned.

"Your mother told us you were a huge fan, and that your birthday was coming up. Did you know she knows my father?" Louis said. I'm pretty sure my jaw was on the mouth by now. My mom knew Louis Tomlinsons' dad? She never told me that!

"Hey, Courtney! Great game!" My best friend, Kaylin snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Hey guys! What's up?" Kaylin asked them. I stared at her, dumbfounded. What was going on? Was everyone in on this surprise except for me? No fair!

"You knew?" Kaylin nodded excitedly, her black hair flying. "Why did everyone know about this except me?!" I had to ask. Kaylin and all the guys burst out laughing. I saw Harry pass Kaylin a ten dollar bill. WTF?

"Told you so, Harry!" Kaylin shouted. "In yo' face!" By now, I was utterly confused and m head was just going back and forth, following the conversation like a tennis match.

Fortunately, Louis took pity on me. "Kaylin told Harry that you would react this way. He didn't beleive her, so they made a bet. Obviously, Kaylin won," he bent down and whispered that in my ear. His warm breath tickled my neck.

"Yeah, I don't usually like surprises, but I'll make an exception for this one!" I said to Louis, laughing. He wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug.

"Can't - breath!" I choked out. He let go, laughing and said, "I know what will help with that!" Then he started going through his pockets.

He pulled out a rubber duck. "No, that's not it," he muttered, reaching further into his pockets. Then an expression like a lightbulb appeared on his face.

"Ah ha! I found it! Close your eyes, Courtney, and Superman shall give you something of great personal value!" Louis screeched, nearly deafening me. I did as he said and he grabbed my hand and placed something small and cold into my hand.

I opened my eyes and saw a . . . . . CARROT! Quickly, I stuffed it into my mouth and ate it. I could hear loud laughing in the background, but all I was lost in Louis' twinkling blue eyes. The were crinkled because he was laughing so hard. It was the cutest expression ever! I started giggling like a maniac and soon all of us were literally rolling on the ground, laughing so hard tears were coming out of our eyes.

When we had finished busting our guts, Liam said, "Well, we are taking Kaylin and you out to dinner." We all started walking to the tourbus.

Louis took my hand in mine. I looked at him and he just grinned. He looked like he was about to say something, but at that moment, Niall decided to shout, "Hurry UP! I'm hungry!" Louis and I sighed at exactly the same time. It was quite funny, so naturally, we were both on the ground laughing again. That is, until Zayn grabbed me and dragged me to the bus while Harry dragged Louis.

"Boo Bear! You're heavy!" Harry exclaimed when we were in the bus. This caused Louis to fake cry onto my shoulder.

I gave Harry a death glare, "Hazzah! Don't you know how mean it is to insult a womans weight?" I cracked up when Louis jerked away from me with an offended look on his face. Instead, he turned back to Harry and started fake crying onto his shoulder.

"Hazzah, ssshe iiinsulted mmme!" He cried. Oh, Louis. I mentally facepalmed.

"Louis, I was kidding!"

He jumped off of Harry and landed in front of me and said, "I know. But it's fun to tease you!" This ended up in a fight which resulted in a dog pile on top of Louis, with me on the top.

Once we got all out ISSUES sorted out, we all sat on the couches. Louis was next to me with Harry and Kaylin on his other side. Liam, Niall, and Zayn all sat on the couch across from us.

We got to the resturant in one piece, thanks to Liam. Wow, I felt sorry for Liam; he really had alot to deal with with these crazy boys.

We were walking into the resturant when Louis pulled me aside.

He looked deep into my eyes and said, "From the moment I saw you, I knew there was something special about you. I know it hasn't been long, but I have something I must do."

He cupped my chin and leaned in towards me. Our lips collided, and as cliche as it sounds, sparks errupted.

When we pulled apart, he asked me, "Will you be my carrot queen?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2012 ⏰

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