14 & A Half: Revenge

Start from the beginning

"I know, but this is a whole new country for you. I don't want you to do something that'll send you back home." she said, taking a seat on the edge of the desk. "Not to mention you're one of the faces of the fashion industry, doing something crazy could easily ruin your reputation as well as mine."

"I could care less about where I get sent. That's my son in there, you know I don't play when it comes to him."

"Which I don't blame you for, but it is important that you keep your composure."

"I'm not keeping shit Claudia! For the love of God, that's my son!"

"This is hurting me too Hez, but I'd rather you just go about it the right way."

"You weren't saying all this when you riding out with Blue."

"No because I was young and naive. You need to learn to let things go, your street days should be behind you. Lucas is looking up to you, you've got a future and a whole family to protect now."

"Exactly, and I'll kill for my family if needs be."

"You're acting ridiculous Hezekiah!" she said a little too loud for comfort. Luckily this room was soundproofed. "I swear you act like a child, you don't understand how much this opportunity means to me. Put your pride aside and understand that I don't need your actions getting in the way and being the cause of us having to move. I'm content here..."

"And I understand that, which is why I'll be careful and smart about whatever move I choose to make."

"I don't want you to be careful, I want you to drop it and just let the police handle this issue!"

"You know what... I don't expect you to even understand." Her voice was beginning to annoy me, she knew how I felt about her getting in the way of my work.

"I do understand."

"No you don't Claudia! Maybe if you were able to have kids you'd actually understand." I said, the words slipping from my lips before I even had the chance to process them. I looked up at Claudia and the look on her face was heartbreaking. "I didn't mean it like that..."

"But you did!" she shouted, as she stood to her feet and fixed her skirt. "And it's good to know that this is how you feel."

"I'd never say something like that, I'm sorry. The anger just got to me."

"Nah, it's fine." she said, while shaking her head and heading for the door. "You do what you gotta do, just remember that this is a whole other playing field and you're just getting off the bench. You may have known the game back home but you don't know what you're signing up for down here."

"I'm not worried."

"I'll remember to put that on your tombstone." she said before exiting the office. I swallowed the lump in my throat and placed my utensils back down, and leaned back in my seat.

My phone vibrated against the desk, and I reached for it meanwhile still processing what was said and what I would have to do to now fix it. My eyes rolled over the text and the strange number it came from but after seeing the individual explain they had to get a new number I relaxed and realized this was an opportunity presenting itself. I took the napkin out of my collar and picked up my car keys, then slipped my phone into my pocket along with grabbing a roll of tape and my black gloves from my drawer. I also made sure to drop my wedding ring in there as well.

Leaving the food behind, I exited my office, slipped on my loafers that sat at the front and without a word, I left the house and hopped into my car. I didn't want to miss this opportunity for revenge.

Samantha King

"Did you really send the text?" Rochelle asked me aloud as she watched me on FaceTime doing my makeup.

"Yes I did." I stood in front of the hotel mirror, adding the final flawless touches. I couldn't lie... I was looking good in my red silk robe, underneath hid the matching lingerie set that hid the bare minimum. A little something I had picked up before coming here. My body smelt like Vanilla and my hair was straightened down my back. I was the walking definition of seduction. I looked so good that it brought flashbacks of the good old days where I used to bring home bands in a garbage bags for looking this good.

"And what did he say?"

"That he was on his way and that was a good fifteen minutes ago."

"And you know where you're going to hide the camera before he gets there, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Just know I love this crazy side of you and all, but what are you looking to accomplish from all of this, again?"

"I'm going to show him exactly what he wants to see, how my life is without him." I said, smacking my lips.

"Ugh, what hotel are you at again?"

"None of your business you grandma! Why would I want you to come at ruin my night?"

"Ugh," she rolled her eyes and sighed. "I feel bad for Hezekiah though, I feel as though he genuinely likes you Sam... and here you are; using him." she said with a scoff, "there aren't many good men out there left but I get a good vibe from this one and I don't want you to mess it up."

"Look Ro, you're killing my vibe right now. So, I'll call you back okay?"

"No... Sam.. Just listen to me, I'm your voice of reason. This is the old you, the you that you've left in the past."

"No baby girl, this is the me that Alonzo deserves to see. The me that will no longer be giving a fu-." before I could finish I heard a knock on the door. I quickly hung up on Sam, dimmed down some of the lights and placed the camera in a good hiding space. I took a couple steps back to make sure it was alright and took a deep breath.

Although, I didn't want to hurt Hezekiah... this needed to be done and he was the only person I knew capable of helping me achieve my revenge.

I adjusted myself once more before I opened up the door to my hotel room, I looked up at his tall stature with a bite of my lips as I made space for him to step in, he couldn't keep his eyes off of me. I shut the door and the moment I turned around, was the moment I did was the moment I regretted everything.

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