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Seven was obviously upset about everyone getting upset about the bomb and the whole thing with V. Seven wanted to trust V but V was making it hard for Seven.

V has entered the chatroom

Me: V! Hello...

V: oh MC your here, hello

Me: The members are quite upset with you

V: I saw...I am truly sorry about this situation

Me: I just wish I knew.....I would have been more carful

V: I'm sorry....I'm here to apologize to all the members and talk to luciel

707 has entered the chatroom

707: V!

707: you haven't taken any of my calls

707: why?

V: you know the phone you gave me with the bug detector ?

707: yes

V: it started blinking red

V: so I was scared to call you

Me: so the phone must have been bugged

707: we cant rule out that possibility

V: yeah I was nervous to call you

707: I have so many question to ask

707: But there's only one I need to ask

707: should we relocate MC to somewhere else soon?

V: I think we should move her after the party

V: she will be safer there

707: that's what I was thinking

707: I need to ask one more question

V: yes Luciel

707: did you know about him?

V: Seven I don't know what your talking about

707: don't lie to me do you know about Saeran?!

707: why?!

707: why is that boy

707: doing a flithy hacking job

707: that I do?!

V: Seven I don't know what your talking about

Me: V you didn't know about Saeran? V I want to believe you have good intentions but you make it really hard.....I want to believe I knew you a little better from our previous conversation but like I said....your making this really had

V: she know?

707: it doesn't matter if she does or doesn't!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2023 ⏰

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