What's Going On?!

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Seven seems to be opening up slowly but I'm glad that I'm seeing different sides of him, like the sides that aren't so happy even though I don't like that he's not happy, it takes a lot of courage and comfort to show that your sad even in a joking way but he was going to reveal a big secret that should have never been kept from me.

I walked to the hallway because I started to feel lonely. I would go to the hallway. I waved to the camera and the camera moved up and down.

"Hello Seven!"

*camera moves up and down*

"Oh shoot I forgot to click the button" I ran back inside and hit the button

"Hay MC" he said in a calm tone

"Sooooo your not going to bed?" He asked and I can hear the sound of the computer keys clicking away

"No I've been having a hard time sleeping" as I say that I can hear the keys stop immediately after

"I promise I won't let you get hurt.....I swear on my life. So don't worry about it " He says and I can hear the pain in his voice

"just please take care of yourself you shouldn't be worrying either" I said truly worrying about him...he was silent for bit

"Thank you MC but please stop worrying about me, it'll get you no where, oh shit oh shit! Umm MC GET INSID NOW!" He says almost yelling. I run into the room, slam the door shut and locked it

My phone rang:

"Stay there...don't move I'm so sorry I couldn't be perfect....I was so distracted I couldn't finish the work I'm so sorry. Please stay there don't move okay?"

"Alright... Seven are you okay?"

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry I'll be there soon I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Wait for me please"

He hung up

I went into the chatroom but one one was there a sat with the chatroom open for a bit until


"Oh thank god...hearing your voice means your physically okay"


"I'm sorry you are going through this, I'm heading back to town soon"

"No you should take care of your business...I wouldn't want anything to be ruined"

"I've already made my decision. Everyone in the RFA needs to be protected, I would be less anxious if I knew where V was....I have to go. Be strong and okay MC that's all I ask from you"

He hung up

Zen has entered the chatroom

Zen: MC ARE YOU OKAY?!? I heard security system is down and that it's so important that Seven has to go to you

Me: yes zen I'm okay. Don't worry.

Zen: that's good but how am I not supposed to worry?

Me: I trust that Seven will get everything figured out and I trust him with my life

Zen: how are you calm?!?

Me: me yelling at him will just make it harder for him

Jaehee has entered the chatroom

Me: hello Jaehee

Jaehee: hello MC

Me: did you or jumin get a hold of V? Or did you get a hold of jumin

Jaehee: I got in contact with jumin but not with V

Jaehee: is Seven there yet?

Me: no

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