Chapter One: Promises Made

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"Logan! It's about time you got here!" Zeus's booming voice rumbled pleasantly as he clapped the god of Death on the shoulder. Logan hid his wince, silently wishing to be anywhere but here. He loathed these social gatherings on Olympus, preferring the quiet solitude of his own realm. Given the way the glittering assembly shrank back at his appearance, he could only assume the loathing was mutual.

"You did not specify a time, brother, only that my presence was required."

"Indeed, it was! You work entirely too hard. I have not seen you in months, and that is far too long. Besides, you are young and really should be looking for a consort to sit at your side! You'll never find one brooding in the Underworld." Logan rolled his eyes at Zeus, already itching to leave.

"I have no need for a consort of any kind, and well you know it. Even if I were of a mind to take one, there are none who would have me. Being wed to the God of Death would be a nightmare for most of these fools...and for myself." Zeus's sunny smile faltered a little at the darker god's flat rebuttal, but quickly recovered.

"Perhaps you simply haven't found the right person yet."



"Who is THAT?!" Patton gasped, gazing over Roman's shoulder at the new arrival. "I've never seen him before." The Muse turned to look, then snorted derisively.

"I'm not surprised. Logan doesn't often attend these gatherings. Parties are not his thing."

"Logan? The-"

"God of Death, yes."

"Isn't he Zeus's brother?" Patton cocked his head to the side in contemplation. He'd never imagined Logan to be this attractive. He was tall and thin, his handsome face utterly impassive, his brown hair slightly tousled from the journey. He was dressed entirely in black, from head to toe, save for one small flash of midnight blue by his throat. He looked...intimidating, to be honest. There was an air about him that screamed "danger", and the others must have sensed it too for how wide a berth they gave him. But...surely, he wasn't all bad? Patton examine him closer, as no one else seemed to be. There was a sad resignation in those gorgeous eyes, as though he already knew what the outcome of the evening would be.

"Patton...? Oh NO! Not him, Pat. Your mother will have a conniption!" Roman hissed, grabbing his arm to lead him away.

"I know you're trying to warn me off, but that just makes me want to talk to him more. What could a little conversation hurt? I just want to get to know him, Ro." His friend ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"I don't know if demi-gods can die, but if anyone could make it happen, it's him! He's dangerous."

"I don't think he is. I think he's lonely."

"....You....think the God of Death....the literal Master of the LONELY?!" Roman threw his hands in the air. "You are ridiculous, and I wash my hands of you. I'm going to find Virgil. Maybe HE can talk some sense into you."

Patton smiled and slowly made his way to the dark corner of the room where Logan was standing. The god watched him approach, one brow raised in question. The others didn't usually approach him, and certainly not this openly. Brave little mouse, this one.

"Hello! I don't believe we've met. I'm Patton, son of Demeter. You are...?"

"Logan, God of Death. Pleasure to meet you. I had thought you one of Apollo's children at first glance. I wasn't aware anyone could stand your mother enough to copulate with her." Patton stared, taken aback. Well...that was blunt.

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