"Akashi-Kun is a pervert. Perverts are bad." Kuroko swiftly changed into his casual clothes and finally exit the shower room.

The next group was Kise, Aomine, and Murasakibara.

"Ugh, I hate the shower room its so-" Aomine accidentally stepped on what seemed to be a red-haired demon.

"o-oh it's you A-Akashi... I-It was by accident I-I swear."

"Your training is tripled for next week Daiki."

"HAHA Ahomine-cchi!"

"You too Ryota."

"But why Akashi-cchi! I didn't do anything!"

"Your voice annoys me."

"That's so mean ssu!"

"Haha, Ki-chin and Ao-chin are baka baka~"

"You too Atushi. Your punishment is making Tetsuya a vanilla milkshake."

"Ok Aka-chin."

Aomine and Kise mumbled in jealousy of Murasakibara's 'easy' punishment.

"What was that you said Daiki, Ryota?"


Midorima finally recovered, "Everyone hurry up and shower and change!"


Time Skip:

{A/N: Sorry for so many time skips >~<}

Everyone got finished changing into their clothes.

Everyone was waiting for the driver to arrive.

Midorima was looking at his watch every 5 seconds.

Kuroko was reading another Webtoon Comic called Lumine.

Kise was still trying to fix his hair.

Murasakibara was eating leftover chips from earlier.

Akashi was thinking of Kuroko's beautiful body {and reading a book}

Aomine was furiously tapping on his phone playing a game called piano tiles.

"This game is so stupid," Aomine complained while still not taking his attention away from his game on his phone.

"That's because you're an idiot nanodayo," Midorima said while looking at his watch again.

"Shut up Midorima." Aomine retorted.

"So much for 'The only one who can beat me is me' Aomine-kun," Kuroko said while reading his book. Not even sparing a glance.

"Oh yeah? I'll prove to you that I can beat this damn game." Aomine yelled with confidence.

"Want to have a bet Daiki?" Akashi intervene.

"If you beat the highest piano tile score which is 10,025, You will take Tetsuya-

"HELL YEAH!" Aomine yelled. Suddenly stood up accept Akashi's challenge.

"Ano Aomine-Kun and Akashi-Kun I never agreed to-

"It's a deal then, Daiki"

Kuroko sighed in defeat, "You two are idiots."


The driver finally arrived. As usual, Midorima was yelling at everyone, complaining that they are not allowed be late.

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