I couldn't stop smiling, I tried my best to hide my blush, they were amazing.


we had to wait for there desition to be made but I got to meet up Rhya and stan, Craig was already there talking to them. I walked over to them and Stan hugged me Ike ran up and hugged Rhya, Rhya picked him up and hugged him tightly.

Gerald POV~

I went out into the hallway just to think for a moment and I heard some familiar laugh's, I have heard while Rhya was away. I looked to see Rhya, Ike, and Kyle spending some time together and chasing each other around for a little while. I haven't seen Ike and Kyle smile that much or laugh that much since she moved out, to be honest, I haven't either. I miss my little girl, all I really wanted was for everyone to be happy but no one was. Shela I know misses her and wants her little girl back but she's so adamant about her not loving another woman that she won't let her come back home. I walked over to Rhya, Kyle, Ike, Stan, and Craig were at, "hey... dad," Rhya said unsure of what to say to me, she looked at me with nearly a blank expression but I could see some sadness and worry in her eyes, hidden but it was there.

"Hey kiddo, you and Stan were great up there, I'm... proud of you both," I said she looked confused and looked at the boys for help.

"um... thanks?" Stan said confused as well.

"Rhya, I want to talk to you, please?" I said and she looked at the boys again then back over at me.

"o-ok," she said very hesitantly and we stepped away from the boys but to were we're still in sight. 

"I'm sorry," I started out and she looked at me with confusion but there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "I never wanted you to leave, we all miss you at home, it took me a little while to come to my sense's about it, I'm uncomfortable about you having a potential love interest about girls and will take some getting use to, but I want you to know that I love you no madder what, and I will talk to Shela about you coming back home," I said and she nervously played with her hands.

"I- ok," she changed, and started to walk back to the boys with her head down slightly.

Rhya POV~

"Rhya you ok? what did he say?" Kyle asked and I looked up to see Kyle, Ike, Stan, and Craig had a worried look or slightly concerned.

"he's sorry, uncomfortable about me might having a girlfriend but is opened to it, and he will talk to mom and he would like me to come back home," I said and Kyle pulled me to an embraced. I'm happy but scared of what mom would say about the idea of having me back, I pulled on a happy face, despite me being worried or scared.

"everyone back inside, time for the result's mkay," Mr. Macky said and Kyle lets me go and walks with Craig and Ike to the audience. I walk with Stan to the small stage that the shop teacher and the club built for tonight. I wanted to win honestly but I can't get what dad said to me out of my head. 

"for 3rd place, we have t-the goths," Mr. Garison said surprised. "o-ok that interesting, um 2nd place is the hula hoop chicks," he continued. "first place, is Stan and Rhya," he said more enthusiastic and I hugged Stan quickly and Mr. Garrison handed us 2 gift cards and we walked off the stage. everyone headed out of the gym most of everyone left some stayed behind to clean up or talk.

"go talk to Kyle, Stan," I said and pushed him toward Kyle. I saw them hug and started to walk away together. I felt arms around me and I managed to turn around to see Clyde, great.

"knew you could win, babe," he said and I facepalmed.

"don't call me that," and he lifted my chin to face him.

"why not babe?" he asked.

"I'm not your'babe' let alone your girlfriend, I don't want to be either anyway," I said and walked away from him. I walked over to Craig and had a small smile on my face "hey, you ready to go?" I asked and he handed me my jacket and I put it on.

"ya, it's just us this time, now why are you worried?" he asked as we walked outside. I looked at him he had a blank face, "don't say you aren't I can see you are worried about something ever since you dad talked to you? did he say anything you didn't want us to worry about?" he asked.

"no, I'm just worried about dad opening up the idea of, me coming back home, to mom, maybe it's just my imagination getting the best of me," I said and he put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I saw him smile and we got to his house.

"I told you, you should at least put some boots on or pants or whatever, you would be as cold," he said and closed the door behind us.

"ya, ya, ya you were right and I was stubborn, can we move on?" I said put my flats in my room and sat on the couch and a blanket over my legs. he sat next to me and pulled the blanket over his legs too. I smiled and laid my head on his lap and he took whatever his mom put in my hair to style it. 

"that was poking me where no man should be poked," he said.

"wow, I thought the 'amazing Craig Tucker' didn't believe in censorship," I mocked.

"amazing Craig Tucker?" he asked.

"no wait, Super Craig," I mocked again and he smiled.

"and what would your name be in the super game?" he asked and ran his fingers through my hair.

"the Siren, honestly I got nothing, I wanted something melody but I got nothing other than that," I said.

"ok now let's see if I still have some Super Craig in me?" he said and started to tickle me I curled up and laughed. he did to and stopped tickling me and fixed my dress I didn't even know it needed to be fixed. I turn back to face him and he smiled and leaned down to kiss me, I kissed him back. he pulled away and he smiled I did too, "I say I do," he said and put his hand on my head his fingers had random chunks of hair in between them. "I like you a lot Rhya, you make me smile," he said and my smile grew wider.

"I want to be with you Craig," I said and his free hand held the one closest to him.

Kyle POV~ (before Craig and Rhya got home)

"did you like the song's?" Stan asked.

"I love them, you're an amazing singer, both you and Rhya," I said and he moved his hand from mine to my shoulders. 

"you're the amazing one, I'm glad I have you," he said and that made my heart flutter.

"me too," and I felt the cold snow on my face and I heard Stan laughed. I wiped the snow off of my face and then made a snowball in my hands and threw it at Stan, and I started to laugh as well.

"it's on," he said and we threw a couple more snowballs at each other and running around. I caught Stan off guard and pinned him down, and we both ended up laughing. "you win, come and claim your prize," he said smiling and I leaned down to kiss him. of what felt like several minutes we parted and I got off of him and helped him up. "was that a good prize?" he said.

"I don't know, let me see again," I said and he put his hands on my waist pulling me in and I put my hand on his jawline/neck and kissed him again. he pulled away resting his forehead on mine, "I love you" I said.

"I love you too," he said and hugged me.

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