boyfriend - 39

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(Nathan's POV)

Damn, I had never thought I'd do that with somone as week as Shawn.

I knew I was gay for a while now but seriously, Shawn?

I have to fall for the weekest guy in this house, and the weekest guy I ever met.

"You okay Nathan?" Shawn looked up at me with those eyes.

"Just fine babe." I huff. I'm boared now.

I capture his lips in mine in a despret attempt of entertainment. Damn is he a good kisser.

"What was that for?" Shawn raised his brow at my actions.

"I was boared." I get up and walk away.

The truth was I was terafied of how Shawn made me feel, it was like fainding out I'm gay all over again.

I walk over to the cupord grab a glass and walk over to the sink woth the glass.

I let the tap run for a bit as i think about Shawn before finally pooring myself a glass of water.

"Yo! Nathan you home?" Alex walked into the house.

Now Alex was my type of guy, we had messed around a bit but nothing we did made me feel the same way Shawn makes me feel.

Anyway while we were messing around Alex found out he was bisexual.

"Not in the mood Alex." I roll my eyes and walk over to Shawn still layed down on the couch with his arms spread out half asleep.

I snuggle inbetween his arms making sure his face was at my chest, I wasn't about to loose my dominance.

"Man, are you seriously dating such a pussy as Shawn Milliger." Alex laughed.

"Yeah, I am and if you have anymore bitchy coments about my boyfriend you can fuck off!" The words stumbled out of my mouth before I even had the chance to process them.

I look down at Shawn sudddnly fully awake and beaming at me.

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