dating - 21

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(Jessie's POV)

"Whatever Rose, enjoy this while you can." I growl.

I knew Rose didn't have long left it would be a miricle if she made it till christmas wich is why I bubble wraped her.

Maybe Rose is right though, maybe I was to protective but all i did was care for her.

I storm out of the emergancy room and hop in my car, I drive down to the cemetary and walk up to Melody's grave.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you from this Melody, but I promise I will find a cure if it's the last thing I do." I promise my long dead girlfriend.

Her dieing words were "Promise me you'll find a cure so no one else will have to die like me."

Those words stuck with me for the rest of my life.

The first months after Melody's death wear horible, everyone treated me like a baby, I even had to go to counceling.

Suddenly the realisation hit me, I've been babying Rose this whole time.

I run over to my car and race off to the hospital.

I stumble in on Ethan kissing Rose's forhead cuddling up to her.

"Jessie?" Rose spoke.

"I just fergot something." I look around the room.

"You didn't forget anything did you?" Rose lowered her head guiltyly.

"Don't talk to me! I mean you've already zmoved on you little tart!" I hiss and run away.

(Rose's POV)

I feel so bad right now but he will find someone he won't have to baby and can take care of him.

"He'll be fine Rose, eventually." Ethan sighed. "I'll just go talk to him." He left me.

Dad suddenly rushed in, he must have been held up at work today.

"I'm so sorry my little flower." Dad apologized.

"You missed a hell of a lot of drama dad." I shake my head.

"Well don't leave me hangin' fill me in." Dad was my closet thing to a mother, I could tell him anything.

"Jessie and I broke up doctor Ethan king broke up with his girlfriend Alice and we're now dating." I fill in.

"Wait a second who's dating?" Dad questiond.

"Ethan and I are dating." I clarified as the man himself walked threw the door.

"I couldn't find Jessie." Ethan conffesed.

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