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"You look tired Uncle Matt," Kya says, frowning up at him as she ate her cereal. "Go back to bed."

Matthew smiles at her small form as he waits for his coffee to finish. "Wish I could. Sierra's been throwing up all night," he sighs, glancing at Ally to let her know he was speaking to her too. "I think she got food poisoning or something."

Ally smirks and shrugs, sipping at the coffee in her hand to hide her mug. Matt raises an eyebrow. "Take her to the doctor."

"Sierra? Going to the doctor's office?" Matt questions sarcastically, smirking. "She knows exactly what's wrong with her. She can diagnose herself."

There's a groaning sound as a person enters the room. Sure enough, it was Sierra, with Tom following. "I'm starved."

Matt grabs her waist before she could reach the kitchen and he raises an eyebrow. "No, I don't think you need food right now."

"Who are you to tell me what I need?" She questions and slips out of his grasp. "Do we have any more eggs? I want eggs. Protein sounds nice right now."

"I think I used them yesterday," Tom stretches as he takes a seat next to Matt. "Do we have a briefing toda-"

"Matttttt," Sierra whines from the kitchen. "Can you get me eggs?"

"It's 6 in the morning, babe. Grocery stores don't open until eight," Matt responds, raising an eyebrow. "Since when do you whine, though?"

"Since I got pregnant," she sighs as she runs her hands through her hair. She watches his expression change from a confused to a shocked one. "Don't act like you didn't see it coming. You're the one who doesn't like to use protection. But seriously, I need eggs. Like, really bad."

"She's even saying 'like' as a transition word," Tom laughs, then looks at a still in shock Matt. "Congrats, man."

"What's... preg... ant?" Kya asks, looking at all of the grownups around her.

"Sierra is gonna have a baby," Ally smiles and comes to her daughter to grab the empty bowl. "You want second-"

Austin comes into the room with wide eyes. "Sierra's having a what?"

The pregnant woman rolls her eyes. "A baby! Goodness, you have two of them. Don't be so surprised."

Austin looks to Matt and sees him still shocked. "Ohhhh, Matt just found out, didn't he?"

Matthew looks at Austin with wide eyes. "She's pregnant."

The blond grins and slaps his shoulder. "Congrats."

"She's pregnant!"

Ally ignores Matt and looks to her friend. "How many months are you exactly? You don't start craving until you're at least two months in."

"I don't know, maybe two actually. We had unprotected intercourse a couple of times. I don't know he's so shocked."

"She doesn't know!" Tom laughs, grinning. "Man, this is great."

Kya looks at all of the adults and frowns. "What's in-tercouse?

"Intercourse is sexual contact between individuals involving-"

Ally glares. "Sierra."

"Wha- oh. Right. Sorry. Habit."

Matt shakes his head and stands. He goes to the kitchen to grab Sierra by the hand and pulls her towards their room. "We've gotta talk."

"Sure, but I still want eggs."

Austin grins. "Speaking of eggs and babies..." he comes over to Ally and hugs her waist, only for her to spin out of his grasp.

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