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When Ally awakes, she finds herself in bed with both of her girls resting on her. Ally stirs lightly and tries to think of earlier events, but can't remember much. She just remembers glass shattering and her grabbing Kya.

As she eyes flutter open, she's met with Kya's pale face, where there was a few scratches. Ally reaches her arm over and caresses her head before placing a kiss on her forehead. Kayla is right under her, and Ally sees a slightly red spot on the side of her head and raises an eyebrow. But she still pulls the younger girl closer to her before dozing off once more.

When she awakens the second time, the girls are behind her, playing in her flowing hair and everyone is crowded in their bedroom talking, except El. But there is an unfamiliar face, that almost looked like a relative to Sierra.

She sits up to stretch and before she could even extend her arms, the girls are hugging her. "Mom!" "Mommy!"

Ally smiles lightly and looks back at the two of them. "Hey, girls."

Austin, who was sitting in front of her on the bed, turns around and a grin pops on his face. When she looks up, he leans backward to kiss her. Ally, not seeing the action coming, gasps with wide eyes, but she cups his cheeks and kisses him back with the tendency he was pressing on her.

They don't kiss for a long time but it's long enough for the kids to push on them to stop because it's gross. Austin chuckles and pulls away slightly to push both of the girls by their heads until they fell on their backs. He kisses her once more as the two girls giggles.

Austin pulls away and moves his hand to caress her arm. "You alright?"

She nods and glances at her leg. "My leg and head hurts, though. Not bad, but it doesn't feel good."

"You bumped into the wall and got cut badly in the leg from some glass," Sierra says, sighing. "I bandaged it. You didn't need stitches, but it's gonna be sore for maybe a week."

Ally nods, but her vision focuses on the person behind Sierra, who, now that she can see, is in handcuffs. "Who's that?"

"Uh, that's-"

"She's a bad guy!" Kayla exclaims, standing up in the bed. "Like, she hit daddy, then she had a gun," she pauses to bring two fingers to her head, gesturing a gun. "right to my head!"

Ally's eyes widen and she looks at Austin, who was slightly glaring at his daughter. He told her to keep it a secret for the sake of Ally's sanity.

"Then Kya came in and she got super strong!" Kayla exclaims, making gestures with her hands.

Kya nods excitedly, agreeing. "I saw daddy and El play fighting and I did the move they did! I kicked her real hard! Like super hard, and she fell and everything! I saved Kayla all by myself! You can ask anybody!"

Ally glares at Austin. "Oh, did you?"

Austin opens his mouth to explain, only Ally stands up out of the bed. She sucks in a breath at the pain of her leg, but she gets over it quickly. Austin sighs and gets up to stop her from stomping out, but to his surprised and everyone else's, Ally walks up to Bell and punches her dead in her face.

Bell's head knocks to the side and there's blood splatter. But Ally uppercuts her in her chin once more before grabbing her by her neck and glaring. "Don't you ever touch my kids." She threatens before Matt grabs her to restrain her.

"What the fuck," she groans, bringing her cuffed hands to her face. "Shit. That hurt worse than earlier when Moon hit me with a gun."

"You're not supposed to swear!" Kya exclaims, and Austin can't help but smile. He pushes her head back once more before continuing on with the conversation.

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