Chapter 16 - Hometime

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3 am soon came around fast. You and Jack were packing your last essentials and getting ready to leave for the airport. You said your goodbyes to everyone last night, not knowing who was awake to drive the pair of you to the airport. 

"It's been a great trip." Jack whispered, giving you a kiss on the cheek.

"I agree." You headed downstairs with your bags and suitcases, as quietly and as carefully as possible. When you reached the bottom, you saw Kristin, Isla and Ava all waiting, all with tired looks on their faces.

"Are you ready to go?" Kristin asked, car-keys in hand.

"Yeah, but I'm super tired." Jack sighed, taking the keys from her and putting the luggage into the car. 

"At least we managed to do your birthday shopping Isla, otherwise I wouldn't of been here." You joked, she came over to you and just hugged you. 

"Don't be long coming back here." She mumbled.

"I won't, don't worry." You reassured her. 

"Right, lets go." You double checked your bags and both flight tickets and passports were there. Jack sat in the front of the car with his mom, while you were sat in between the girls in the back. Isla was fading in and out of sleep while Ava just had her head rested on your shoulder. 

"Y/N have you got our flight tickets?" Jack sighed, slightly panicked.

"Yeah, I do." You told him. Jack was normally very grumpy when he was forced to wake up early, so the rest of the day was gonna be quite eventful depending on his mood.

"And we're here." Kristin announced, pulling into a parking space. She paid for parking while you and Jack were getting things out.

"I don't want you to go again." Isla whispered, a small tear falling from her eye. You let go of your suitcase and lifted her up. Hugging her with everything you had. Ava grabbed your stuff while you carried Isla. You checked in and said your final goodbyes before going through security.

"I'll see you soon munchkin." You told her, giving her kiss to her cheek. She nodded. Jack took her from your arms while you went and hugged Ava.

"Well thank-you for buying me those things again. I'll miss you Y/N." 

"Don't thank me! And I'll miss you more. Just remember to face-time me or call me whenever you need too." You reassured her.

"Of course." She smiled walking over to Jack. Kristin was emotional but she kept it together for the sake of you and Jack.

"Have a safe flight and don't be a stranger." She whispered while hugging you.

"I won't, I'll miss you." You told her.

"I'll miss you too." She said back, then it was time to go. You put your bag on your shoulder and hugged them all once again.

"I love you!" You and Jack both shouted while heading through security, they waved you off and then it was just you two.

"Well that wasn't fun." Jack sighed. You grabbed his hand, but he just shoved it off.

"It upsets me too." You told him, but he ignored you as if it was your fault that you were leaving. 

"Be that way, I'm going to get some snacks for the flight." You groaned, not wanting to deal with his behavior. He wasn't like it earlier which annoyed you even more. You ended up just buying candy, because who doesn't like munching on sweet things? 

"You took your time, our flight is boarding in ten minutes." He started walking towards the gate.

"Stop acting so childish Jack, for crying out loud. I hate getting up early, and I hate leaving them too. At least we get to see your family, I don't have anyone left. Stop being so inconsiderate just because its four in the morning." You got mad and stormed off in front of him, glad the gate was only a small walk away. You started queuing up and slapped Jacks flight ticket into his hand. When you got on the plane, you were thankful you had a window seat.

"I'm sorry." Jack sat down next to you.

"Whatever. I mean you kept your promise right? You didn't argue with me in front of the family." You snapped, a look of guilt washed over his face and the two of you didn't talk the whole flight home. Christina and Daniel were waiting on the other side for you, and instantly they knew something was up. 

"What happened?" Christina asked, growing angry herself.

"Ask Mr Moody over there, it seems to be all about him lately." You sighed and began walking to the car with her. 

"Christina have you got your phone on you? Mines dead." You told her, she nodded and handed it over to you. You began to ring FIT University.

"Hey Christina, what can I do for you?" Sophie happily questioned through the phone.

"Sophie, it's me." You told her.

"Y/N oh my god, how are you sweetheart? I was just finalizing everything." She told you.

"There's no need. Cancel it all, I'm coming back, no questions. I'll see you in a week Sophie, I've got to go." You told her and put the phone down. Christina choked on air as she unlocked the car.

"I cannot believe you just did that." Christina whispered.

"I can, and I'm done. It might've been a pathetic little disagreement but I'm done playing the victim. He treats me like shit anytime he wants, and I'm not putting up with it." You told her. 

"What aren't you putting up with Y/N?" Daniel asked.

"His bullshit. I'll be glad to inform you that I am going back to New York, and as soon as I'm back at the house, I'm packing my stuff and getting a hotel." You stated. Daniel looked upset and Jacks jaw dropped.

"You're serious?" Jack said.

"Deadly, you don't deserve me." You told him. The rest of the journey was awkward, but you made it back. The other guys hugged you and you let them know what had happened and they respected your decision. You booked a hotel in Beverly Hills for the next few days and you packed up the rest of your things.

"I'll see you later boys." You walked out of the door, not looking back.

"She never deserved you!" You heard Jonah shout, presumably at Jack. You took your range rover and headed off. 

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