Chapter 5 - Calming

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It had been twenty minutes since you left the house and you were just coming up to the place you were headed to. Music was softly playing in the background as the sun began to go down. You looked in your mirror and saw that Daniel was still following closely behind.

"Y/N, you never told me you had a hideout spot." Christina pointed out.

"I guess it was my secret." You shrugged turning into a beach parking lot.

"Why are we at a beach?" Jack asked confused.

"Just follow me." You told him, taking your keys out of the ignition and hopping out of the car. Jack came round and interlocked his hand with yours and you patiently waited for the others. 

"We drove all this way, just to come to a beach." Zach sighed, shoving his hands in his pocket.

"Stop whining Zachary, you won't be saying that in a minute." You started walking, everyone coming after you. It took about five minutes. However, there was a slight barrier.

"Right, we have to climb up this rocky cliff thing, but be glad it's only six foot tall." You told them, all eyes widened as you carefully placed one hand above another and climbed. 

"Babe, I cannot do that." Jack whispered. You rolled your eyes.

"You have to hurry otherwise you'll miss it." You groaned. They all looked at each-other. 

"She wouldn't have taken us here if it wasn't special." Jonah grumbled, climbing up with ease. Steadily, the others made there way up and what they saw made their jaws drop.

"Look, I know it's only a sunset, but you can see the city and the water is just so beautiful. When you're here on your own, everything in life is blocked out and all you can hear are the waves." You told them, sitting down and swinging your legs over the edge.

"It's so pretty." Christina began taking photos.

"This is a nice little spot you've taken us too." Jonah smiled over at you.

"It's definitely calming." Daniel continued. 

"Why did you tell us about this place Y/N?" Corbyn asked, wrapping his arms around Christina for warmth. 

"For me, this place helps me clear my head. I know what it's like to have pressure to keep up an image, and to try and do the best for others and not myself. I also know, each and every one of us here, goes through a hell of a lot, so here we are." You smiled. Jack hadn't really said a lot, and he once again had a grumpy face.

"Bro what's up with you? You've hardly spoke a word since we got here." Zach asked Jack.

"Nothing." He said through gritted teeth. 

"Would it hurt you to put a goddamn smile on your face?" Christina snapped. It all went dead silent, and eventually the sun had completely disappeared so you decided to go back to the house.  Jack had stormed ahead in front of everyone.

"I swear to god, he's gonna lose the best thing that's ever happened to him one day." Jonah muttered under his breath. You looked over at him.

"What did you just say?" You asked, but he shook it off.

"Nothing." Once you arrived back at the car. Jack was standing next to Daniel's car.

"Aren't you coming in my car Jack?" He didn't say anything. Daniel rubbed your shoulder and unlocked his car. Corbyn got in the car with them as Jonah and Zach entered yours. Christina sat in the passenger seat with a frown.

"That boy, I cannot cope with him Y/N. He's not appreciative of you, and as for your relationship, it's going down before it goes back up." She sighed. You knew it was true. One minute Jack was in a good mood and the next he was horrible.

"Lets just get out of here." You groaned starting the engine.

"If it's any constellation Y/N, I'll always have your back." Jonah patted your shoulder.

"Thanks Jonah." You smiled. You reversed out of your parking space and sped off before Daniel had even turned his car on. 

"Everything just always seems to end up in an argument with him. I don't understand what it is I'm doing wrong." You let out, slamming your hands on the steering wheel angrily. 

"I'm not even gonna defend him on that one." Zach said. The rest of the ride was quiet but you beat the others back. Thankfully you had the house keys so you could all get in first. Both you Christina rushed up the stairs to get into your PJ's. 

"Sometimes I wish I could just read his mind." You told her.

"He's never treated you like this Y/N. He never used to and I'm done trying to have a fake friendship with him. If he isn't acting the way he was at the start of the relationship, all I can see is your heartbroken." You were glad that Christina was straight up about everything, sometimes the truth really did hurt. Before you could get a word in, the front door was opened and closed. The pair of you quickly got changed and headed downstairs.

"Aw Y/N, I see your wearing the rainbow PJ's that Jack got you." Corbyn grinned, trying to ease the tension as Jack was sat on the couch with a clenched jaw.

"They're definitely my favorite." You smiled. 

"Jack?" He didn't even look at you. The anger and upset began to build up inside of you. Causing a scene in front of Christina and the boys wasn't the best thing to do but it had to be done eventually. 

"For crying out loud, Jack Avery, look me in the freaking eye. What the hell is wrong with you? This is the second time Jack. I thought you were gonna at least try and be nice for a few days, but no, it's only taken a few hours for you to get pissed off at me again. And don't you dare give me the whole I just missed you speech, I've heard that one time and time again. Something is up with you, and has been up with you. Maybe this whole fame thing, isn't your strong suit. It's going straight to your head, and if you can't see that, this relationship, it's done Jack. It's so done." You ran a hand through your hair as tears slowly escaped your eyes. 

"Y/N." He walked over and tried to grab your hand, but you smacked it away.

"I tried fighting for you Jack, I've been fighting for you since the day we got together, but if you think I'm gonna put up with you and your nasty actions, you need to take a look in the mirror. Nothing hurts me more when you get like this. Sometimes I wish I had a delete button, to delete all the heartache I felt because of you. Find yourself someone who can actually take your bullshit." You scoffed, walking towards the stairs.

"Y/N, I'm sorry." Jacks face crumbled as tears were escalating down his face quickly, this time you weren't giving in.

"It's too late for that. You're a year to late Jack. Because of you, I'm no longer your girlfriend." Your heart shattered into a million pieces. 

"What have I just done?" Jack shouted from downstairs, evidently smashing something as the whole house echoed.

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