He grabbed the phone, and then checked her wallet, grabbing the cash and smirking to himself. He knew she'd never find him, nor could she go to her husband and claim she'd been robbed, not when that phone was missing. He took the other jewelry on the table and then prepared to leave, checking his hair in the mirror and slipping a piece of gum into his mouth.

He walked to the bedside, stirring Lara. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"I have to leave now, darling, work calls me," he whispered, pretending it was a huge sacrifice. She sat up, pulling the sheets around her naked body and smirking at him.

She fluttered her lashes, and ran a hand down his arm, "Will I see you again?"

Harry smirked, shaking his head as her smile slowing dropped into a look of confusion. "Probably never again. Goodbye, Mrs Tabult."

She gasped and he turned to leave just as the door opened and in walked an older man, seemingly in his late forties.

"Honey, I have business in LA so I thought I'd visit- what the fuck!"

Harry smirked. Winking at the man and pulling his dress jacket on as he strode towards the door.

"You whore!" Mr Tabult screamed, and she screamed as well, pleading with him to listen to her. Harry smirked, straightening his jacket and leaving the couple to fight.

He almost skipped down the hallway, his fingers played with the jewelry in his pockets, as well as the phone holding the information Chloe wanted like a child wanting candy.

Whistling to himself, he pushed the elevator button and waited. A particularly loud scream echoed from the bedroom and he turned around.

Just as a gunshot sounded and the woman's screams ceased.

Harry's eyes widened in shock.

He woke alone, the gunshot ringing in his ears.

Why he dreamt of that time he did not, and he frowned at the ceiling in confusion. The sheets were pulled low to his waist, the other side of the bed was a mess, the sheet thrown and twisted, and the pillow on the floor. Yet the mattress still held a little warmth.

"Are you awake?"

Harry looked up from the bed, his eyes capturing the figure sitting on the floor with her back against the wall. The large European window was open above her head and the cool autumn air blew in and filled the room. With a glowing cigarette butt in hand, she was but a shadow in the night.

She looked like a freshly-fucked angel.

And he felt like a freshly-fucked demon.

"What's the time?" he asked softly, rubbing his eyes as he sat up, the sheet bunching at his waist.

"About three am, I think."

He groaned, looking at the roof, he frowns, "And you couldn't sleep?"

She blew out some smoke, Harry watched it curl upwards through the window.


She stood up, leaning on the window sill in the small amount of moon light, skillfully blowing smoke rings into the air.

"Where's the smokes?" Harry asked, squinting his eyes to look on the bedside tables for a packet.

Elena stared out the window, mumbling, "I've got the last one." Harry groaned dramatically, tossing himself into the pillows and lazily watching Elena smoke. The butt was still very long, so she had only just started smoking it.

Killer Queen  ~ {H.E.S}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن