Episode No. 9

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Maxie and Nadia had called an emergency meeting. Nadia was the one who wanted to talk to us. She tried to explain why buts she was too hysterical for me to fully understand what she was saying. So now I was getting a ride from Lucas to her house. "What do you think it's about?" I asked him. "I don't know but it probably has something to do with Marcus also calling me over," He said. That only made me more curious. What could they possibly have to tell us? Pulling up beside her giant house Lucas leaned in and kissed my cheek goodbye. I couldn't contain my smile as I exited his car.

Knocking on her door Maxie opened the door pulling me inside. "Has she told you?" I asked. "No! She was waiting for you, now hurry Im dying to know whats going on," She said pulling my arm up the stairs. Fuck, it was probably negative news. Like her and Marcus broke up. Or he cheated. Maybe he cheated and then they broke up. Whatever it was it was making my mind run in circles.

Opening her bedroom door to reveal a happy ass Nadia I relaxed. She only smiled that bright when there's good news involved. "What is it? What was so urgent?" Maxie asked. Nadia squealed in excitement.

"I lost my virginity," She said.

And the questions started flowing. "When?" "Marcus?" "How was it?" "Did it hurt?" "Did you use protection?" "Wait, I thought you already lost it?"

"Slow down!" She said. "Ill tell you everything, but first I want to acknowledge that Daria is the official last virgin of the group!" She said. "You owe me fifty bucks Maxie," She added. Maxie rolled her eyes. She lost her virginity freshman year to a boy she refused to talk about. She never acknowledged it happened nor does she want anyone to know who it was. All we know it that he screwed her over and basically used her for sex. If I ever catch that asshole I'm gonna rip him a new one.

"Details!" Maxie screamed. "Ugh, where do I start?" She said. "He got us a hotel room, with rose petals and champagne," She said. "He drew me a bath after and made sure I was okay," She said. "But how was the actual sex?" Maxie continued. "Sweet, gentle, three minutes," She said. "It was his first time too, its not fair for me to hold him up to high expectations," She said. "It was more about love, our love for each other," She finished. My heart tightened at the sweet words. "Passion? Rawness? Fire? Did you have any of it?" Maxie asked a bit harshly. The tension quickly changed as the both got emotional.

"It didn't matter to me, I just wanted to be with him," She bit back. Maxie rolled her eyes and turned around. "Whats your problem? I liked the way it went, just because your first time wasn't ass magical doesn't mean mine can't be," She attacked. Maxie had a lot about her self she didn't really talk about. We weren't surprised when she said she didn't want to talk about her first time. We just supported her decision and moved on. But I had always had a lingering feeling that there was something we were missing. Maxie turned back around with a teary eyed face. Nadia visibly softened, "Babe, is there something your not telling us?" She asked. "My uh my first time, it was.." She choked out. "What happened did he hurt you?" I asked.

"No, thats the problem," She said. "It was good, so good," She explained. "It felt like he knew me, knew my body and he knew exactly what to do to leave me completely helpless in his arms," She explained. "It was otherworldly how he whispered in my ear saying all the right things while fucking me until I saw stars," She continued. "He made me feel beautiful, he made sure I wouldn't forget him. That years later I would still be thinking about how talented he was with his mouth," She said. "He didn't just fuck me he made love," She finished. "Who was it?" I asked.

"I-I can't," She said. "Why? We deserve to know who this asshole is. He used you, you shouldn't be protecting him," Nadia said. "It would ruin everything, I'm so in love with him and I don't want to bring it back up, not after the last time," She whispered through her tears. "The last time? You still see this motherfucker?" She asked.

"How many times?" I asked gently. "Three," She answered. "The last time was after Nadia's party," She said. "That doesn't make sense, Casey was the one-" She said. "Oh fuck," I said coming to realization. And then I saw red

"Casey, that motherfucker," Nadia choked through her clenched teeth as she grabbed her keys.

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