Propaganda in Animal Farm - A Literary Essay

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There are several ways in which propaganda helps maintain a regime. The first is in the spread of information. Squeeler - who represents the russian newspapar Pravda in Animal Farm - uses three main methods to control the information circulating on the farm.

The first is by changing, or 'placing into context'. A good example of this is when the seven commandments are altered in order to make the pigs' actions appear just. Each time a change is noticed, Squeeler just happens to be present and is able to 'put it in context'.

The second method is by using statistics. The simplest example of this is the meetings on Sunday mornings. At the meetings, the animals receive their orders for the next week, and always first listen to a report by Squeeler on the week prior's immence improvements.

The final method is by downplaying the negative; in essence, playing with symantics. This is evident when Squeller refers to the reduction of rations as a "readjustment".

The second role that propaganda plays is by controlling people. This is achieved by calming the populace, or redirecting their anger. It is done by providing doctored information as discussed before, and by attributing failures to a scapegoat. Snowball is Animal Farm's scapegoat. the most prominent is when the first windmill is blown over, its destruction is attributed by Napoleon to Snowball.

The second way people are controlled is by changing history. The best example is how Snowball's role in the Battle of the Cowshed is downplayed, while Napoleon, who played no role in the battle, is morphed into the resounding hero.

And finally, people are controlled by planting ideas in their minds. This is evident in the persona of Napoleon created as their 'Dear Leader'. One case where this is done quite blatently, is when the glorifying poem of Napoleon is written. In it he is called, amongst others, the "Father of the Fatherless". Creating such a reverence for someone greatly lessens the chance of a rebellion breaking out against them.

This all serves to prove that propaganda is so inherently linked with authoritarian, totalitarian states, as to be inseperable from them. Information truly is our greatest weapon.

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