Chapter 2

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It's has been exactly 2weeks since we returned from our vacation, Samira's wedding is starting tomorrow in Kaduna, so I am on my way there. Samira was my roommate at uni, we clicked instantly and became best friends. Ba damar dodging, biki har events biyar kamar inyi kuka argh. Weddings have never been my thing, my friends nicknamed me 'lady unsociable' they say I am antisocial how can I hate weddings, but I just do, I have always been standoffish about social events like really aren't we all secretly. Too noisy and too many people, those family members we all try to avoid (you know what I mean the judgemental ones, the stuck-up ones and last but probably the ones I can tolerate the least masu"yashue zaki yi aure" "kun bar yariyar kasar waje ba aure sai ta lallace" "KANNE KI DUKU SUNYI AURE KE KINYI KWANTE". That alongside with music that is always loud and irritating, and bridesmaid always have to be seated next to the speakers (unlucky us), maybe it's just the weddings I have attended I dunno. All the negatives aside they are finally getting married I'm so happy for Samira, the amount of torture I went through with their phone calls, facetime and skype with all the love love of sending surprise gifts and flowers. Although they share a unique bond, like all couples they went through their ups and down and it was remarkable to see how it made them stronger and more understanding of each other. I am also excited to meet up with a few of our other uni friends Chika and the rest of the gang are all coming down for the wedding.
"How many hours kafi ki iso are you sure kin taho?" Samira said, this was the 100th time she is calling me. "Daman na kashe waya na this one that you are shouting as if nace bazan zo ba" I said as I was waiting for her replay I just heard her having a conversation with other people, I can't with this girl. "Mallam Habu sauran mu hour nawa mu isa "," Haddy muna shiga Zaria yanzu bai fi minti 30 ba mu isa" nagode mallam Habu. As I sat back reading my book a lot of things came to my mind school was starting soon and I am worried about being new to the school and the environment it was foundation all over again but what can I do its just the way life works. Less than an hour later I was entering Samira's house like the child she is she came out screaming and jumping like I got her a new car......." Maraba da manya bakin amarya" was the chant among all the house workers because apparently, someone has been anticipating my arrival. As soon as we got into the big living room filled with several aunts and family members of Samira after greeting them, we went to her mum's room as soon as we got inside her mum started laughing saying "yanzu hankalin mu zai kwanta ga dai Hadiza tazo shikene ko" said her mum," ina wuni umma "ba gajiya babar kawa ya hanya da su maman ki" said umma duka suna lafiya suna gashe ku'.
Samira just started dragging me without even letting me finish greeting her mum talk less of allowing relaxing and breath. She went off rambling about me spoiling her schedule "like really is this how you treat guests I wonder how Tahir deals with your hyperactive behaviour" I said, clearly Samira wasn't even paying attention to me as she ignored me and pushed me into the guest quarters where we were all staying. It was like a madhouse the minute I entered as all our friends rushed to give me a hug with their squeals that the wedding can officially begin. To be honest seeing all our friends and the happy smile on Samira's face made me excited. We just sat down and started tailing about the events and what we need to be prepared for before the henna ladies come and chaos arises. The first event is a barbeque for my friends and his friends today after Isha'a it will be causal so you don't have to worry that much about getting all dolled up said Samira "then we have Kamu and Dinner Thursday, Friday will be Daurin aure, Saturday morning kai amarya and at night dinner by the groom's family and then I will discharge you of your bridesmaid duties" said our oh so not blushing bride. I can just picture Sheikh and baba laughing at me because yau ni Haddy biki from one state to another but I could careless I had a good feeling about this wedding. Just as we finished talking and eating the lady to do the brides and her friends henna arrived I tried to run because I hate sitting and waiting for henna to dry but Chika and Samira put me in the middle of them let's just say the only thing I didn't do was cry. Since I couldn't use my hands due to the wet henna we started taking about Chika's boo and their recent engagement. 'I still can't believe that Rumi proposed' I said Chika just shrugged and said "I know right at first I thought he was just messing with me but then he started talking about how I was there for him through thick and thin and how he can't imagine life without me he just swept my feet now I'm future Mrs Elemeforo'' ''Now all we have to do is ensure that that one gets and maintains a new boyfriend "said Samira. It was at that point I decided to tune both of them out and pretend that I was asleep, I heard them plotting and planning of the different cousins and friends that Samira thought will make a nice partner for me. I don't even know why she is obsessed with setting up and seeing me in a relationship like chill babe it will happen when Allah wants and wills.               After Isha'a we all got dressed for the barbeque I just wore a flora semi-fitted gown from "ommahberry"and tied a pink scarf, I decided against wearing makeup and just stuck with carmex on my lips and eye kohl. The bride also just wore a dress and not so heavy makeup that I did for her. As we all got out to leave for the venue Samira dragged me back and said ''where are you going? Tare da ni da Tahir zaki tafi" 'but I'm tired of always being a third Wheel on you dates why can't I just go with the rest of the girls" Samira just rolled her eyes and said ''because I said so and Tahir's friend is driving''. I reluctantly agreed to my bridezilla of a friend. Shortly after we came out a black Mercedes gls450 parked in front of us and Tahir got down. He smiled and winked at his bride before turning to me and said "my second wife kin iso ashe, no wonder this one hasn't called me" ''When will you stop calling me your wife" "when my wife stops talking about you and complaining about you to me" I just rolled my eyes at Tahir's teasing and said 'can we just go I'm already tired of the both of you' they just laughed at me before Tahir open the door for his bride and I entered the front seat. The moment I looked up I met his gaze on me and my heart started rushing and beating he said "MATORACIYA" with that same smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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