Chapter 28 • Change •

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One year later

"What do you mean there's no lasagna?", a customer argued. I got hit by a wave of deja vu.

"We're out at the moment, ma'am. The other batch will be ready in half an hour", the waiter clarified.

"I don't have half an hour to waste! Ugh!", the lady shrieked. Her big, round belly was preventing her from getting any closer to the table.

The man sitting beside her smiled sympathetically at the waiter, "Cravings and pregnancy hormones", he shook his head.

The couple decided to leave the restaurant although the waiter suggested something else. Well, that went better than I expected.

After the couple left, Luke and I, like everyone else in the restaurant went back to minding our own business. Luke sipped his wine intensely staring at me with dark eyes.

I tried to ignore him by eating my Fettuccini. I felt a hand rest on my knee and I slowly place my fork down. I glared at him.


"I am behaved. I'm not taking you on this very table right now, am I?", he responded.

A shiver ran down my spine as I got a mental image of that. I took a sip of my own wine to try to clear my dirty thoughts Luke put there.

"Stop looking at me like that", he said.

"Like what?", I asked innocently.

"Like you really want me to do that."

"I do, but that will only result in bad publicity and we're having a nice dinner which I won't let you ruin with that filthy mouth", I ranted.

"Want to know what I want to do with this filthy mouth?", he asked in a low tone.

Heat pooled at my core and I glared at him. Again. "I swear to God I will chuck this knife at you if you don't shut up", I growled.

He put his hands up in surrender with an amused smile on his lips. "Oh, I'm so scared", he mocked.

I eyed his plate and stabbed the biggest shrimp I could find with my fork and popped into my mouth. I sighed as I chewed the deliciousness. I deliberately moaned after I swallowed.

I smiled at Luke, "Delizioso", I purred. He stared at me with his mouth gaped looking back and fourth from his plate to me.

"Did you just..."

"Did I just?...", I trailed off willing him to continue.

It was his time to glare at me then reached for my plate. I pulled it out of his reach just in time.

"Uh-uh-uhh", I taunted him.

"Okay, you'll pay for that", he concluded going back to his own plate.

"Oh, I'm so scared", I tried to sound like him.

He just narrowed his eyes at me and went back to eating. He was looking at me as I ate. My eyes were on my plate but I felt his intense stare.

"What?", I finally asked.

He placed his fork down and wiped his lips with the napkin he had on his lap. "We've been engaged for over a year now. I'm just wondering when you'll be ready for the wedding. We never talked about it", he said.

I placed my fork down as well and looked at him as I swallowed the last piece of chicken I had in my mouth. That completely caught me off guard.

I looked down at the table and back at him, "I'm sorry. The last year has been so hectic though successful. My company took so much of my time and every time our engagement came to mind something always comes up letting the thought fly out my head", I sighed, "We can start planning. I'll make time. If that's what you want, that is."

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