Chapter 2: The kiss...

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"WHAT?!" I yelled.

The two bodies were in the cornor of my eyes, I didn't know who they were. I was so confused at this moment.

"Yeah, I'm getting married and were moving in with Matt and Zack..." She said with a small smile.

I just stood there. Didn't know what to say, my whole life was falling apart, first my girlfriend, now this... What next?

"Wha-what...? Your lieing; this can't be; this can't be happening, your kidding right?"

"I'm sorry Jake, I'm not..."

I started to cry, not trying embarrass myself I went upstairs. I opened the door and slammed it, so hard that try were sure to hear the slam, I jumped into my bed and cried some more. At this point I didn't know what was gonna happen in life. It was falling apart.

"Hey Jake?" I heard this voice knocking at my door.

"Ye-yes?" I said as I was crying.

"Can I come in?"

"No, I'm kinda busy..."

At this point I just wanted to be alone. Just me. I didn't want to deal with them right now.


"O-okay.." I said

The voice opened the door, he was tan, tall, skinny, amazing smile, after shave mark, short black hair.

"Hey, I'm sorry.." He said as he sat on the bed right next to me.

"It's fine, it's not your fault." I said as I started to tear up again. I sat up so I was right next to him.

"I'm Matt by the way."

"Jake; well you already know." I chuckled.

"C'mon cheer up? This might be good for you? You never know.." Matt said as he started removing the tears from my face with his hand.

"I guess..."

"Now do you want something to eat? Your mom has made breakfast."

"No, not right now..."

"Okay, well it's down there if you want any." Matt said as he left the room smiling.

"Okay." I said as I went to lay in my bed again

I was still in pain from the news. I didn't know if it was gonna be a good thing or a bad thing. Ughhh! What am I going to do, I asked myself. I decided to text some of my closest friends. Dustin and Isela were my closest guy and girl friends, then it was Ivy, Fernando, Justin, and Jasmine. I texted them, I decided I would tell other friends at school. I'm popular at my school so I know a lot of people.

I made a group chat to tell then all at once.

"Hey guys, can you guys come over in about an hour?"

They responded with some "yeah, sure!" And others with things like "yeah, why?" I responded with "I need to tell you guys something. They were okay with it.

"I'll pick everyone up, is that cool?"

"Yeah, thanks Dustin." They said.

I didn't want to tell my mom that they were coming over, I just figured that I would tell them out in the front of the house. I still was pissed about the move. I put some clothes on and got ready for them.

One and a half an hour later


"I wonder who that could be." Said my mom from down stairs.

I ran down stairs.

"It's for meeee!" I grabbed the door so she couldn't.

"I got it." As I opened the door and went outside.

"Hey guys, let's sit outside?"

"Okay, what'd you need to tell us Jake?" Said Dustin.

"Umm... Sit..." I said softly.

"Okay." They said as they sat down on the grass.

"Soooo?" Ivy said.

"I'm moving.."

"WHHAAAAT??!" They yelled.

"Yeah, I just found out today to, my mom got engaged and were moving in with them."

"Noooo! Jake!!" Isela said as she started to cry.

"I know I don't want to leave either."

They all started getting sad.

"What about your girlfriend dude?" Dustin said as he cleared his face from tears.

"Ummm... Long story short, we broke up..."

"I'll be right back, Dustin I have your books that you let me borrow, lemme go get them"

"Okay, I'll come with.."

As I oped the door of my house I heard them start crying. I also heard Matt, Zack, and my mom in the living room, we didn't bother saying hi, we just went up stairs.

"Thanks for letting me borrow the book." I said as I went under my bed to get it.

"No problem. Hey Jake?"

"Yeah?" I said as I got up from out of the bed with the book and give it to him.

"Umm.. So we've been best friends for quite awhile annddd..." He said while he took the book from me

"Annddd what?"

He grabbed my neck with one hand while his book was in the other, looked me in the eyes then closed them as he leaned in and kissed me passionately. I lasted a good five seconds; I think mabye a little longer. After he was done, I didn't say anything.

CLIFF HANGERRRRR!!! :O What's gonna happen next? Get together orrr??? Remember, voting, commenting, and following keeps me going, I thank you all so much for reading! <3 if you like this book try my other book "My Gay Crush (BOYxBOY)" I love each and everyone of you! :) Stay Beatiful! ^_^ Also so sorry for any typos of any kind! ~ Jake ;) <3

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