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"Good afternoon." The words I heard first after I fluttered my eyes open. That deep voice sent a tingly feeling inside my ears. I felt so tired and my limbs felt numb. After a few blinks, I realized that we didn't change our position since last night.

"It's that late?" I asked and pushed him slightly to stretch my arms but I winced when a very painful feeling shot through my lower region. Oh my. I think what we did las night was too much? HE is too much. Not me. I barely even move last night.

He nodded. We both sat up and leaned our backs on the headboard. My face warmed up seeing the both of us naked. It was amazing I mean what we did last night it was. Yet I really feel so shy remembering how we were so daring to each other; Having kissing remarks and a very painful yet heavenly intercourse.

"Did you really stayed up until now?"

He nodded.

He never speaks that much. It would always be his eyes that does our conversation. Peircing through within me, without tearing his gaze from. I smiled sadly after I felt hunger. Talk about it, It's been days since I had a lunch. That might explain my weak stamina lately.

"I'm hungry. Don't you feel hungry too? It's been days for me but you've been buried six feet below since then."

"I never got hungry since you resurrected me days ago."

How is that possible? You can tell if a person is still a human in many ways like in the aspects of eating; Hunger. He should've felt it given the fact it's been so long since he ate. One thing that I observed is that his senses were too strong. He could already sense people even without looking. He doesn't sleep yet he's still strong and humping just like last night.

The formula might have reacted differently to him. As far as I remember, it didn't have any extra attributes added if it possible work into a dead body or a corpse except reviving it.

Chanyeol has something in him that he's not telling me since day one.

"But I do get hungry so I'm going to cook." I sighed and slipped out from the blankets. I shuddered from the cold. That's right. Christmas is near. When I stepped on the cold floor, pain quickly struck my lower back and I fell on it.

Damn. I think my plan on doing it again with him should be cancel if it would always hurt my afternoons like this. I winced and sat up. Heavy steps were coming on my side and saw him stabding with a robe.

Postponing it is better.

"I'll help you." He crouched down and picked me up on his arms effortly as I clung on his neck while looking at his face. He is handsome. Oh my, don't tell me I'm really getting attracted.

He was walking downstairs and saw a blanket was hang on his shoulder. I buried my face on his chest and blushed. It's not as if there's something wrong to admire him right? If ever I get attracted to him there's no harm in trying I think. Afterall, It's just me and him now and... we even did it because of this dimwit. We had sex without having a label with each other.

Yeah, what are we?

I'm sure we're friends with benefits. Me freeloading and needed protecting. Him needing me to modify his body if there's still something wrong. Just from the start, we were fated to be with each other because I need him. I need him to keep me safe. That's our family's pact and I never hated him doing flattering acts to me.

"I bought bread and strawberry jam just in case you wanted something to eat in instant." He said and placed me on the dining table letting m1y feet to sit instead on the chair. He I saw him went through the kitchen and rummage the paper bag I suspect those are the foods he bought.

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