chapter seven - Dany

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i really dont write enough in these chapters, sorry about that, im just so lazy!

the khal stood,taller than all of the other men infront of the burnng firt in the middle of the only solid building in vaes dothrak, the concel hall. But unlike other tribes and communtities the Dothraki councel was all of the men, around a burning fire. he spoke, as soon as he spoke silene fell over the Dothraki people.

"a new khalassar has been formed" he said looking around, people did not look scared or shocked, new khalassars were formed all the time, new khals became and went and new khaleesi's were founded almost every day. "not a norml khalassar, the khalassar of the first law, many men have been murderd and many women taken"a silence fell over the people, unable to understand dany spoke up.

"my sun and stars, what does this mean" the khal looked at her, he was not angry that she spoke but a small smile was hidden on his lips, he swallowed the smile and replied "little moon, a phantom khalassar is being created, with only a khaleesi and female blood riders, no men."

Dany was confused, all though women were strong - especially the women of the dothraki - they could not possible kill all of these men, they could not strike fear into the hearts of the fearless blood riders and the feared khals, she felt herself frown and looked toward her feet, deep in thought.

"little moon, you are confused, a phantom khalassar involves black magic, magi that makes their horses undead and ther women produce without males, a phantom khalassar is almost un beatable"

she understood now, black magi was forbidden everywhere throug out the seven kingdoms, even in the city of the iron throne, but she never knew the dothraki feared old wives tales of black magic, but now it was apparent they feared it more than most.

the khal ontinued to talk and preperations began to be made for watches over the city where the old dothraki resided and for riders to be sent out to warn other khalassars that had fel it unneasary to attend the great city for a meeting as simple as this.

that was what the day held for Dany, listening to the women tell tales to their children of the last phantom khalasar, ruled by one fierce witch named rivenna. deep in thought she wonderd if she could lead her own khalassar of women, not phantom women, no blak magic or undying horses, but fierce women, avening their fallen khals,borthers and sisters.

she looked up to see the khal standing over her

"it is time for the ceremony" he said smiling down on her, but concern was eatched into his eyes.

"i dont understand my sun and stars" said Dany

"it is time for you to eat little moon.."he repled

she was confused now, she stared up at him and furrowed her brow "eat what"

"the heart" he replied as he trailed off into one of the largest tents in the city.

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