chapter 3; Daenerys

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*authors note:bare with me guys, this is where I take the story into my own hands, were going offtrack here woo! Crazy I know anyways,happy reading.....*

Daenerys looked around the tent,it was well made,sticks bent to form an impressively large dome shaped tent, covered by various animal skins and furs.

Khal Drogo had ordered five dothraki women to be the khaleesi's 'personal slaves', luckily they all spoke the common tongue but she did not yet trust any of them.

"Your hair is of a pretty colour khaleesi" said one of the women, she was slightly taller than Dany with long curly brown hair, her skin was not just tan, but she was of colour, she wasn't particularly beautiful,but she seemed nice,none of the other women botherd to speak to dany at all other than this one.

"Thankyou, what is your name?"She replied

"My name is Lorrena" the dothraki woman replied smiling up at the khaleesi "I'm not from here, the khal invaded my village,but he spared me,all of the other women were raped,but he chose to save me"

Dany was confused, the woman was talking as though the khal was a hero,he had raped and probably murdered hundreds of men and women, probably Lorrena's family,and yet she adored the khal.

After the maids had cleaned her hair and changed her into traditional dothraki clothing, they left the khaleesi alone, but soon the khal came in.

Dany was sitting on the bed, she thought it stange to think the khal would be sharing her bed with her, she hadn't invited him into it, they were still strangers.

The khal stood infront of dany,towering over her.

"Eat" he said, producing some form of cooked animal infront of the khaleesi. She just starred at it. "Eat" he repeated.when she still didn't take it the khal smirked "starve?" He questioned.

The dothraki lilt to his voice seemed attractive to dany, she ate the chicken never taking her eyes off the khal, she could feel a warmth within her body, a fire she had never felt before, she wanted to khal to touch her and please her,but she did not know how.

To her dissapointment the khal did not seem to realise this.

He gave dany a grunt, stripped down naked and got into the bed,soon after light snores echoed around the tent as he slept.

Dany got in beside him,she could feel the heat of his body already,and it was a cold night,she cuddled up to one of his large arms,to which he didn't even feel her presence,shorty after,she fell to sleep.

The next morning when she woke up,she was alone,there was noise all around and she begun to panic, she sat up abrupty to see the khal standing at the foot of their bed.

He sat down infront of her and turned around.

"Braid." He said,not in a commanding way, dany felt as though it was more of a question. She ran her hands through his thick black hair and smoothed it into a long plait that trailed all the way down his back, an uncut braid ment an undefeated warrior. Khal Drogo truely was the fiercest dothraki savage. And yet he did not seem so fierce here to dany.

She snapped out of it as she began to remember she didn't know him at all really, then after the hair braiding was done, the khal left the tent, and the five dothraki women re entered, sir jorah in tow.

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