chapter two - Khal Drogo.

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His new wife was truely a treasure, small and imputent she may be, but her beauty was beyond words. Her hair was ivory white and her skin the same, her eyes a deep violet and her body perfectly curved in all the right places, she was the oposite to him.

He was tall and broad with many battle scars covering his tanned face and body. He led her to a small beach the looked out onto a beautiful sunset, he thought it was the least he could do. He knew - well he had been informed by viserys - that this girl was a virgin, he trusted visserys not, but this (after seeing the girl) he did believe, she was small and timid and in no way a whore.

she dismounted her horse and stood in the middle of the beach. Surely she would know what was expected of her now, she was imputent and small, but the khal could tell she was not a stupid girl.

She stood, silent, looking out toward to the ocean, he silently closed in behind her, she must of felt his presence beause he saw her whole body tense."do you speak the ommon tongue?"

"no" he replied as he slipped her dress off her left shoulder

"do you understand some of the common tongue?" she asked, a hint of desperation in her voice

"no" he replied again, understanding her perfectly well and slipping her dress off her right shoulder, to which it pooled around her ankles to reveal her perfect body.

"can you speak any word other than no?" she demanded engrilly this time.

he was shocked to the angry tone in her voice, he didnt realise there was a fire burning within her, maybe she would make a promising khaleesi after all, her anger had thrown him slighly off gaurd, put quickly retainng his composure he replied cooly "no".

he bent the khaleesi forward, she was slightly resistant,but braced herself none the less, she plaed her hands onto a raised rock infront of her. The khal spread hher legs and entered her. she did not resist, but she did not put the effort in either.

he finnished as quickly as possible not only for her sake but for his, he almost felt bad for the girl, and he quickly dressed and mounted his horse and waited for her to do the same, he then led the way to his khalassars camp and showed her to her new tent.

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