[ 9 ] This is Halloween

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It had been almost a week since the Sunday in the Hufflepuff Common Room, and Luna had been doing her best to show Quill why life was so much better with her in the world. Every day, Luna would draw something - a kneazle, Buckbeak, Quill herself - and give it to Lorraine so she could sneak it on Quill's bedside table. Luna would write Quill small, nonsense poems just to show that Quill was loved and cared about. Luna hoped she was making at least a little headway.

But as of right now, Luna was just hoping for an enjoyable Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Professor Lupin was explaining Patronuses.

"Patronuses are the only defense against dementors," he was explaining to the second-years. "Now, Patronuses are corporeal guardians whom take form of the animal the caster shares the deepest affinity for."

Eilonwy Lowell, one of the smartest second-year Ravenclaws, raised her hand. "So, pretty much, a witch or wizard's Patronus takes the form of their favorite animal?"

Professor Lupin smiled and nodded his head. "To put it in simpler terms, yes."

The class murmured eagerly, discussing what they thought would be their Patronuses.

"Is a Patronus easy to conjure?" Eilonwy asked.

"No, not at all," Professor Lupin answered, shaking his head. "The Patronus Charm is very difficult, and most witches and wizards find themselves unable to succeed."

"Why is it so difficult, Professor?" Kida Garvin asked.

"Because, not only does it take the utmost concentration, especially in dire situations," Professor Lupin explained, "one must focus on his or her happiest memory. When surrounded by dementors, creatures who literally steal the happiness away, it's extremely hard to achieve."

Luna thought about what Professor Lupin had said was required to be able to cast a Patronus: One must focus on his or her happiest memory. As far as she knew, Quill didn't have a happy memory. Frowning, she raised her hand. "Professor Lupin?"

"Yes, Luna?"

"What if someone doesn't have any happy memories?" Her frown deepened as she thought more about the subject.

Remus smiled sadly, his scars becoming more prominent the more sadness and despair he felt. He knew exactly who Luna was asking for, and it wasn't herself. "Well, it's like Professor Dumbledore said about happiness being found in darkness. Perhaps a certain flashlight could help?" He dropped a wink to Luna, encouraging her to continue her efforts with Quill.


"So Halloween's coming up," Jacqueline piped up as she started on her star chart.

Quill looked up from her Muggle Studies assignment. After Lorraine had expressed why Disney was so important to so many people in the Muggle world, Professor Burbage had taken to showing them all different types of Disney movies - all the movies they had been shown had been suggested by Lorraine and the other Muggle-borns and Half-bloods - and had given them assignments based on the movie - why the characters needed electricity, why circuses were so fun. The current assignment today was to pick a favorite character and explain why. Quill had picked Eeoyre from The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. The reason why he was her favorite was because he was so relatable. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Oh, I love Halloween!" Luna exclaimed, clapping her hands together.

"I miss Trick-or-Treating," Jacqueline sighed nostalgically. "I haven't been since I was ten."

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