[ 6 ] Detention with Snape

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Quill lay on her bed, curled up in a ball and covered in blankets. She wasn't really all that cold, but the blankets gave her a good hiding place.

Quill fiddled with the chain around her neck, the Lestrange family ring hanging from it. Aunt Narcissa had given it to her years ago; Quill had been in her room, crying because she missed and wanted her parents. Aunt Narcissa had heard Quill and walked in; she'd comforted Quill and gave her the ring, dangling from a silver necklace chain. So they're always with you, Aunt Narcissa had said. Quill had treasured the ring, moreso after getting kicked out of the Malfoy Manor, but right now it felt as if it were burning Quill's fingers the more she played with it.

Snape had been right. Quill didn't deserve the Lestrange name. Merlin knew she definitely didn't live up to it. He'd also been right about her not deserving air, Quill thought darkly. Maybe the world will be a better place if I'm gone. And then, as an afterthought, It'll definitely be a better place.

Not even worrying about supper later on that night or even about the classes she still had left for the day, Quill closed her eyes and drifted off to a dreamless sleep.


Quill was being shaken awake. She didn't know by whom, but she did know she didn't like it. She tried to ignore the shaking, tried to go back to sleep and never wake up, but this person was relentless. Begrudgingly, Quill rolled over to face the person shaking her, a groggy yet sour look upon her face.

"I was wondering when you'd wake up," Lorraine giggled, Quill's sour expression not fazing her. "Come on, dinner's starting."

Quill groaned. If it were Ida, Quill would tell her she wanted to sleep, and Ida would leave her be. But since it was Lorraine - Lorraine, who somewhat knew of Quill's lack of eating - there was no getting out of it.

"Alright, alright," Quill conceded, reluctantly kicking the covers off. Knowing she'd have trouble getting up on her own, Quill said, "Help me up, please."

"Only because you said it so nicely," Lorraine said with a smile and gripped Quill's hands, pulling her off the four-poster.

"Oh, please," Quill said with a smile and chuckle as she straightened her robes. "You'd help even if I didn't say it nicely."

Lorraine sighed, defeated. "You're right." The two giggled as they made their way to the Great Hall.

"So why'd you run out of Snape's class?" Lorraine asked casually. "I know he's dreadful, but that doesn't change the fact it's a mandatory subject."

Quill sighed, wishing she could have avoided this question forever. "I wasn't feeling well," she halfway-lied. "I went to Madam Pomfrey and she gave me something, then told me to get some rest." Quill nodded after the statement, as if the action would make it more true.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Lorraine said with a frown. "Well, in that case, it's good I woke you up. You need to eat something."

Why did it not surprise Quill that Lorraine had said that? Quill sighed once more, taking her seat at the Hufflepuff table while Lorraine took hers right across.

Quill frowned at the empty seat next to Lorraine. "Where's Kyndall?"

Lorraine looked beside her, reciprocating Quill's frown. Lorraine frowning was such a weird sight, Quill thought distractedly. Lorraine was always smiling, and the frown never stayed for long.

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