Whenever They're Depressed (Featuring Nikko & Sakema!)

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Gray: *hides in closet eating chocolate icecream for 6 days*

Natsu: What? I never get depressed, sorry.

Juvia: *stares at sexy pictures of Gray and cries*

Erza: *eats strawberry cake for 4 days straight and cries about running out the next day*

Happy: *cries about Carla not wanting his fish*

Wendy: *refuses to breath or eat air for 2 minutes*

Laxas: *calls Pikachu for entertainment*

Nikkō: *hides underneath the South Gate Park tree until someone finds her*

Sakema: *cries in her cat onesie and eats ice cubes*

A/N: I can't think of any more! Please let me know if you have any ideas for characgers or the characters whom I've already featured! :)

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