10 | Joshua Ayaki: Origins

Start from the beginning

What happened, exactly?

After Joshua and Silkee visited Hasano Enterprises, a company of magical weapons, and asked for one, Kiyotaka recognized them easily.

Being the son and daughter of Shiemi Ayaki, he knew. To take revenge, he threatened the children and forced them to kill their mother.

Not a very smart plan, he knew the small Ayaki's would abandon the plan. So, he said they would get magic for what they did.

Joshua was not so swayed by this idea. But, Silkee on the other hand, wanted magic more than anything in the world.

She took Kiyotaka's deal and dragged Joshua along with it.

And now, Joshua stood in front of his mother's room with a knife in his hand.

"I won't do this. It isn't right."

Silkee shook her head and pushed Joshua to the door. "You will kill our mother. I need magic, and now."

Joshua brought the knife up to his chest.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Joshua smirked. "What all useless people would do."

Silkee did not know Joshua would even think about stabbing himself.

Falling to the ground after taking in rash breaths, he looked at Silkee as she looked back in fear.

"You'll never.. get what you.. what you want."

Silkee processed what had just happened and ran up to her younger brother.

"Joshua! I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry. I let my own desires get in the way of.. of our bond. I'm sorry, I'm—"

Joshua silenced her and smirked.

"This is.. what you.. deserve.."

Joshua closed his eyes as Silkee looked at the knife in his hand.

"This is.. what I deserve? My own younger brother.. dying in front of me.. That Hasano always wanted our family to be apart.. How could I have—"

And that night was the night all Ayaki's have perished.


Joshua sat on Satori Yasaki's couch, watching small little Yasaki children running around.

He didn't exactly know why, but Satori asked him to watch the household why he and Guren attended an important matter.

Joshua jumped as the door flung opened, but as he saw Guren and Satori walk through, he sighed in relief.

"Welcome back." Joshua smiled.

Though, his smile faded as soon as he saw the two frowning.

"Ayaki, do you remember your past?" Guren asked. Joshua shook his head and stood from the couch, wondering what brought up the question.

Satori looked at Joshua in sympathy and handed him a knife.

"We found this while investigating a strange murder case that has happened in the Hasano household three years ago. We also found that three Ayaki's have been murdered." Satori admitted, smiling slightly.

"Ayaki's? Do you mean that.."

"Yes, you are dead. Though, I would like to say were. We connected your story and the current one and found that you were turned into a grimoire soon after you were killed," Guren explained.

Joshua looked at Satori, who was letting the Yasaki children play outside with Shina as they talked about the current situation.

"Who else died?"

Guren turned to Joshua. "Shiemi Ayaki and Silkee Ayaki."

Joshua's head hung low as he heard the news.

"So, they just.. died?"

"Only one body was found, and it was Silkee Ayaki's body."

Joshua raised an eyebrow. "Only one? How about Shiemi Ayaki's body?"

"Satella is using her body as we speak. I'm sorry, I could've prevented this from happening," Satori replied, walking towards the two.

"I don't even remember how this Shiemi Ayaki was related to me, so don't worry about it." Joshua put his hand on Satori's shoulder to comfort him.

Satori smiled and nodded as Joshua removed his hand.

"We'll find Shiemi Ayaki and bring her back. And we will help you find out your relation to her," Guren said, taking out his sword.

Joshua smiled at his two teammates - no, friends - as they started discussing ways to help Joshua.

He had hoped this time would last, for Blythe would have wanted him happy, anyway.

Plus, Joshua finally found friends, what could go wrong?

11 | Joshua Ayaki: Origins

i didnt proofread this bc im lazy so dont mind mistakes
this lowkey sucks but like i tried 🤷🏻‍♀️

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