Chapter 5 - The Backstory

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Word Count: 1171 *Edited*


"How old are you," she asks me with a face of shock because of what she said. "Seventeen," I say smiling at her. "Oh," she says smiling with a slight red tinted to her cheeks. "How old are you?" I ask her. "Seventeen," she says looking at me. "Well this is my room," she says stopping at B25. "And mines right here," I say pointing to B26. "Convenient," she says waving and walking in her room. I just chuckle and walk into my room. There is something different about her. I don't know what but there is definitely something there.

Still Christian's P.O.V from above.. and here... Uhh yeah ima let you read now, bye.

    I wake up the next day, and the sun is shining very brightly. Have they heard of curtains? I thought silently to myself. I look at my phone and see a text from Ashlynn.

From Ashlynn: Good morning I miss you so much! Hope your having an amazing time! Everyone here is doing just peachy. Nothing to be worried about here.

    Hmm. I cant tell if she is being sarcastic or not. Oh well...

To Ashlynn: Good morning. I'm ok. Miss you too. Talk when I can.

    That should do it. Right? I dont know. Hopefully I dont get much more text from her. It's not that I dont want to talk to her entirely, I just dont feel like typing on my phone today. I get up and walk over to the bathroom, if I dont pee right now I will pee on the floor. I promise. After that I wash my hands, and brush my teeth. My hair is a disaster. I mean it looks like someone threw a tornado in there. What the fuck happens when I sleep? I feel like I should get a camera and....wait what....I have actually lost every brain cell I thought I had. After I fix my excuse of that wonderous thing called hair, I decided that I should probably actually talk to people today, which means I had to put on pants. After all of that, and me debating on actually being a normal human being and interacting with other humans, or just sitting in bed and watching Netfilx. Sadly, I decided to be normal. Now I'm walking out the door and I drop my card when I go to open the door. I'm smart. When I finally get out I realize I left my phone, so I have to go back in and search for my phone. I swear phones are masters at hiding in plain sight. Eventually, I found it. Great. I didnt charge it last night. 20%. Fan-fucking-tastic. It's going to be one of these days. Ok. I have finally left the hell-hole I call a hotel room. I'm walk into the elevator, and see....wait what was her name....uhhhh..? I have no idea. Did she even tell me her name.....? I cant remember. "Hey...." she says to me when I walk in. "Christian," I say happily. "Arelia," she says with a smile. "That's a beautiful name," I say smiling back at her. "Thanks," she says smiling at the ground. " so, where are you going?" I ask her. "Coffee shop, I need caffeine." She says seriously. "Haha me too," I say happy that we can go together. "Oh I can show you the one I always go to," she offers. "That would be great" I say smiling at her, and staring in her eyes. We stand there for a minute, just staring at each other. I lean in and kiss her. She kisses me back, her lips are so soft. It's like rose petals. My lips feel the electricity from her lips. Then the elevator dings. We break apart and people start coming in as we go out. We laugh whenever we finally get through the crowd of people. "That was nice," she says looking down again. "Yeah it was" I agree with her. Ashlynn never crossing my mind.

    We walk to the coffee shop and it's very small and cute. 'Bing' my phone goes off. I look at it and Ashlynn's name popped up. Why would she be texting me knowing I had just said don't text me. Is she seriously that dumb? "Who's that?" Arelia asks me. "My girlfriend," I say like it was no big deal because Ashlynn isnt a big deal. "Oh I didnt know you had a girlfriend," she says sounding upset. "Hold on there is a story to this," I say panicked that I might lose this beautiful woman. I tell her about why I am actually dating Ashlynn whenever we get our coffee. She looked surprised at first, but then after a while, she just sat and listened. When I was done, she said that she understood why i would want to make Alex feel what i felt. She really kinda understood me.....I guess....which was nice. After coffee, I really didnt want to go anywhere, so we want back to the hotel. In the elevator we were alone again, and I kissed her again. She didnt seem to care about Ashlynn either. I was glad. When we were walking back to the rooms, she asked me to go inside her hotel room instead. I happily obliged. As soon as she shut the door, she kissed me, slamming her body against me. I wasn't complaining. Her hands were already in my hair, and my hands were on her waist picking her up to the bed.

    We all know what happened next. I should have to tell you. If you really dont know ask your mom. That should be a fun conversation. Also, if you dont know you should stop reading this book. Now. Thank you.
Have a great day.


A/N: So, I believe I owe you an explanation to why I haven't been writing. I wasn't having writers block. Remember....I finished writing this book. Yeah? Ok good....? Just checking. Well I didnt exactly know how to write Christian's P.O.V and make it work the way I wanted it to. So, I just didnt write. For a while. And then I felt stressed even going on wattpad because I knew I was avoiding it. So I stopped reading. That was not good. I eventually decided exactly how I wanted to do this chapter. Yes, this is a short chapter. I just told you I had trouble with it. If you are upset....sounds like a personal problem. Well yeah. Vote and comment. I think I'm going to start adding questions to the end of every chapter. But only one. Please answer the question. I would greatly appreciate it.

Question: Should I start asking questions? How many? Book related or not?

P.S. This is the only question...I think that I will have with more than one question.....yeah that doesn't make sense...whatever you should understand.

Lots of love,

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