Ch. 2 The Best Smile Ever

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Summer was almost coming to a close. We only had one week left. I was gonna really miss spending my whole day with Frank and Ray, playing our guitars on the front lawn, writing new songs (we were kinda hippies in a way). Now we would only be able to do that once in a while.

I shut the book I was reading for an hour and got up to put it away. I grabbed my acoustic guitar and walked outside, alone. Of course, both Frank and Ray had to be on trips on what should have been our last days together. Ray went on a trip to Vegas with his mom and dad and wouldn't be back until the Sunday before school started. He wasn't allowed to invite any of his friends along. Frank and I got pretty depressed. Frank even tried to keep him from going. And then he resorted to plan B - hiding in Ray's suitcase. He does that every time one of us have to leave. It's actually pretty funny when one of our parents try to lift the suitcase into the car and then open it to find Frank, curled up with a note that says "Don't mind me:)".

But then it was my turn to get unhappy when Frank's parents pulled a surprise trip to his grandma's. Even though he would be back on Friday, I felt the boredom of this upcoming week creeping in.

I sat down underneath the palm tree closets to the entrance stairs of my house. I turned away from the street so I wouldn't have to stare at the gloomy, Monday clouds. Not very inspirational, I would think? I began to sing "Starlight" by Muse, when I heard something.

There was a voice. It seemed to be coming from behind me. But when I stopped, it stopped. I reluctantly began to start again, wanting to figure out where the noise came from. Wait...

Yep. There it was again. I softened my voice a little, so I could maybe hear the other one better.

It was a boys voice. It was beautiful. Never did I hear one sharp or flat note. Perfect. It was perfect.

I kept singing because I wanted to hear more. I slowly turned my body around, ever so slightly. Sitting on the fence of the house directly across the street from mine, was the same boy we had seen a few days earlier. Now he was more than perfect. His looks, his taste in music, his voice, the passion he had when he sang, it was flawless. I started to slow down my singing because I started to daydream

Oh crap. He noticed I was looking. He kinda began to hang his head in embarrassment. Oh no. This was awkward.

Before I could control myself, I blurted out, "Hey, you like Muse?". I had to break the silence. At first he looked confused, but then his face softened up and he slowly but shortly nodded. He seemed to be kind of shy. But I felt for him, because, so was I.

I stood up and brushed of my Green Day shirt, and started to walk forward. The boy kind of stood up too, but he kinda looked like he wanted to run away.

I started to walk across the street. I was determined to meet this guy.

"Hey... Gerard?". I had remembered his name from when the small kid with glasses called him inside. He looked puzzled. It was kinda creeperish that I knew his name. I had to fix it.

"That's your name, right? That's what I heard I think your brother called you". I was wondering if he was ever gonna answer me.

"Yeah, that's my name. Gerard. Gerard Way". He finally looked up and forced a smile, but then he looked back down at his feet out of embarrassment.

"That's a really awesome name!". It was actually pretty cool. One more bullet point on the perfect list! I smiled to make sure it looked genuine. Then, out of curiosity, I sat next to him. He seemed to squirm a little. It was kinda weird, 'Hey! Random girl here! I'm just ginna sit next to ya!'.

I looked down in his lap. He was holding a sketchbook and a few colored pencils. At first it looked like some random sketch. But then I looked even closer, and it appeared to be some comic strip. It was actually really awesome looking!

"So... Did you just move here?" I asked.

"No," he still stared at his colorful paper, "my family has lived here for about three years now". He looked out of place. I was so surprised. This kid had lived here for three years and I haven't seen him once.

"Why haven't I seen you before?". It bothered me to have not known about Gerard living here.

He looked sad, "I don't get out much."

Oh, I almost forgot! "By the way, my name is Elise Roy. I live right over there, obviously". I pointed over too my house.

He nodded in recognition, but didn't say anything. Ok, this was truly awkward. Time to get the ball rolling.

"You are an amazing singer, Gerard. I don't want to make you feel awkward, but ohmygosh. You could be famous someday". This made him smile. In fact, he smiled so big, it went from ear to ear.

"Thank you," he whispered so soft, I could barely hear him. But I got the message. We could be friends. And I mean we could end up being really good friends. I just know it.

"Well, I got to go. But, I'll be around out here tomorrow. Maybe we could like hang out or talk or something. See you tomorrow?". He smiled again. It was the best smile ever. He quickly nodded. That was a yes. He really said yes!

I knew what I was going to do. I was going to ask him to join our band.

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