"Well, it fills some space in my diary." Steph laughs.

"Yeah me too," she says as Johnny starts calling everyone to attention.

"Seeing as how it's Christmas, I've gotta a little Christmas present for you all. So you'd better come right on up here and I'll see if you're on the naughty or nice list." Stephanie rolls her eyes but almost everyone else is laughing.

"You first Davey," Goose shouts.

"I think I should be first," Paulette says. She strides forward and climbs on Johnny's knee, running her hands through his hair. We can't hear what they're saying but after a while he kisses her, then slaps her ass sending her on her way.  Another girl promptly takes her place.

"Eww," Rhonda says pulling a face.

"Don't be a bore," Goose tells her.

"I swear if he tries to stick his tongue down my throat you're getting the same." Goose grins at her.

"Fine by me." Rhonda needs to work on her threats.

"I wonder if Steph'll play along," Sharon whispers to me. So far Johnny's got enough girls giggling over him that Steph's not on his radar. I'm not bothered about Steph though, it's Sharon I'm thinking about.

"Paulette doesn't look so happy now," Rhonda says. Paulette's stood to one side, tightly holding a drink, her face frozen.

"Your turn Rhon," Goose says pushing Rhonda forward. I can't believe he's offering his girlfriend up as a piece of meat. Rhonda's laughing though, and she plays along, getting on Johnny's knee. Johnny messes around with her but he doesn't go too far. I'm beginning to think I should have told Sharon to join in earlier cos the fewer victims he has left, the longer he's gonna take with them. But Sharon's getting another drink and I hope Johnny overlooks her.

"Sharon get up there," Davey shouts and people start pushing her forward. Sharon looks at me sorta helplessly as Johnny calls her over, and she goes to join him. I watch him as he pulls her onto his knee. I take a sip of my drink trying to act like I don't care cos if Johnny knows I'm pissed off, he'll definitely take it too far.

"So have you been a good girl or a naughty girl?" he asks, and I try to tune him out.

"Well, what do you think?" she asks and it kills me that she sounds flirtatious.

"I'd hope you were on the nice list." He's leering at her, his hand moving up her leg. I clench my fists, ready to pounce.

"I'm pretty sure I am on the nice list," she says slowly biting her lip again. I swear he's gonna try and kiss her but he spots me or Paulette glaring and pulls back. He smirks but he lets her go, pinching her ass as she scurries away.

"God!" she says coming back to me and grabbing her drink. I breathe in and make myself not say anything, I know it's Johnny who's the jerk.

"Are you ok babe?"

"Apart from being mauled," she says and she wraps her arms around me. I want to get out of here but if we leave right now it'll create a scene. We watch as someone pushes Stephanie towards Johnny and she gets on his knee. You can tell she's not happy and Paulette looks furious.

"So are you naughty or nice?" Johnny smirks and Steph scowls back at him.

"If by naughty you mean not doing what you say, then I guess I'm naughty."

"Well there's a punishment for that," he says leering at her.

"Is there?"

"Yeah, you gotta stick to the rules Steph." I can tell he's trying to flirt with her and Paulette's looking more upset by the minute.

"So what's my punishment?" Steph asks tilting her head.

"How about you spend new year with me?" Steph rolls her eyes.

"I thought I got my punishment here and now?" Johnny grins at her.

"Is that what you want?"

"It sure is!" Johnny grabs her, kissing her hard, and a few people whistle. Stephanie doesn't push him away but she's not joining in either. When he finally lets her go she gets off his knee.

"Well, I've had my punishment Johnny so now you can leave me alone." We all turn away, we know this is about more than a dumb game. Paulette's storms away to get another drink, and Rhonda follows her while another girl is getting on Johnny's knee.

"How about we get outta here," I whisper in Sharon's ear.

"You're not enjoying this?"

"Nah, not really. Why don't you come back to my place for a bit, there's only my sister home." Yes I want to get her alone, and this party is bad.

"Ok," she says kissing me. "We could do that." I can tell by the way she's speaking she's kinda drunk but I'd rather I take advantage of that than Johnny Nogerelli.


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