Dreams of White

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   I looked around the room. Swords, bows, axes, and lances covered the walls. There was one that appealed to me. It had a beautiful blade, and an even more beautiful handle. I reached out for it, and a warmness filled my hand as I grabbed it and the sheath next to it. I slid the sword into it and a red haired female gasped behind me.
   I turned around to see her, red hair in a ponytail, and I couldn't tell you what color her eyes were, just that they were beautiful. I tilted my head in confusion at her quiet outburst, and she explained.
   "That sword, its name is Excalibur. No one, and I mean no one has been able to hold it for as long as we've had this weaponry open! You picked it up just fine, and put it up as if it were only a normal sword!" She said. I blushed a bit at the thought, "Excalibur must be destined for you!"
   I smiled at her, "Ah, but I am only a mere servant of the Gotti family. I could never wish to even bear a weapon so great. If this is such a special weapon I can choos-"
   "Keep it! It's yours! I'll go with you as far as I can to make sure that you don't need to switch for a new weapon! Oh, the name is Taiyo by the way, Taiyo Solar," She said.
   "Sounds Nice to have someone so sweet on a journey with me, even if just a short one. My name is Klein, Klein Altair. I look forward to becoming your acquaintance, and possibly even your friend," I responded, and she smiled cutely. Adaliz returned to my side with a large pack of throwing daggers, one of the two basic weapons used by servants.
   Adaliz grabbed my hand, and Taiyo glared at her for a second before I spoke, "Ah, Taiyo, this is my sister, Adaliz," I saw her gaze soften, "She's a sweet little girl, I hope you may get to know her soon."
   "I look forward to getting to know both of you, Altair siblings," Taiyo said, and grabbed a bow off the wall. She grabbed a pack of arrows as well, and strung them over her shoulder. Jay, still standing at the door, smiled and asked if he could take a small axe. Taiyo nodded and he took one off the wall, walking back to the door.
   "And here we go, I'll take us four to where we will stay for the night," Jay said as he walked in front of us. Adaliz was talking to him, but I wasn't listening to what they were saying.

   I laid in the bed next to Taiyo, looking at the side table which held my sword. Jay suggested that he share a bed with Adaliz so she wouldn't escape, but I'm sure he just has a thing for her. So, I was in a bed with Taiyo, end scene. I stared quietly at the Excalibur as it began to rattle. I jumped quietly out of the bed and grabbed it, running to the washroom with it.
   I heard something, words coming from the sword, "Hey! Dude! Can ya say the word 'release' for me? I wanna see ya!"
   Without thinking, I repeated his word, "release," and a slightly pale boy appeared in front of me, he had white hair and icy eyes, a white tux on. I closed my eyes, and opened them again to see that I was in the bed with Taiyo again, only a weird dream I guess.

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