Chapter Five: Modification

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    “It could be a side effect from the bite

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    “It could be a side effect from the bite.”

   India pushes her food around on her plate, appetite lost because of her scattered thoughts; while she listens to Stiles. Apparently, the whole skating rink date had ended with Lydia becoming hysterical; she hadn't gotten much detail from the redhead herself but knew it'd ended terribly. Not that her night didn't end the same way as well; then she hadn't gotten any sleep last night. It wasn't the nightmares this time she just couldn't clear her mind enough to fall asleep.

   “What do you mean by a side effect?” Stiles asks, staring curiously at his friend as she fiddled with the end of her now braided hair. Her brother hadn't been able to sleep last night; and to pass the time he'd braided her hair into two braids. Which it'd been so nicely done that she decided to just wear it to school.

   “I mean take me for example, I'm not a wolf but it enhanced a lot of my other senses; especially my eyesight. Like I can see a lot better than i thought was humanly possible. Though there's this other thing..” She'd trailed off not knowing if she should tell the boy or not, but maybe she was just overreacting. It wasn't like her dreams meant anything. It could have been due to the trauma of dying and her mind wasn't handling it that well.

   “India, you know whatever is going on you can tell me,” Stiles reaches over the table and places a reassuring hand on her hand; their eyes meeting as she looks up from her plate. India knows she can trust her friend, but she's a little hesitant. With everything going on she doesn't want to add to the list she could just be worrying herself for no reason. Jackson could have been right about Lydia being immuned to the bite, and the fact that the immunity spread. Though that wouldn't make sense because sure she wasn't wolfing out but something changed. “I've been through this already with Scott. Even if it's not dealing with the supernatural you can still talk to me.”

   He smiled a small unsure smile; then gestured for her to start speaking. Stiles stared intently as the other teen released a long drawn out sigh before deciding to tell him.

   “I'm not even sure if it's something supernatural, because so far it's been semi normal. Every night when I close my eyes I'm thrown into to these dreams; they're really vivid and all are centered around death according to my brother. It's just..” India searched for the right words to say, hopping silently that when she finished that he would tell her it was normal. Horrible things had happened before, she'd endured them without it leaving too much scarring. This was different, it was something else. “I could be overreacting. Though it all started after the bite.”

   “Maybe we should tell Deaton,” Stiles suggested, not taking any chances since he didn't want anything to happen to the girl again. “It could be nothing but we shouldn't just ignore it; if we do it could turn into something worse. When Scott gets done talking to Allison; we can take you down to the animal clinic.”

   India nodded her lips pulling up into a playful smile, while she stared over at the boy. ”Should probably take Lester's cat it's time for his shots anyway, Seeing that we're going to have the same doctor from now on.”

The Weight 《》Erica Reyes Where stories live. Discover now