;21 I'll be home for Christmas (part 2)

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You stood in the mirror fixing your hair and putting finishing touches on your makeup, it was Christmas eve and as tradition you would be going to your parent's house. Marks family would come over too and it was one of your favorite days out of the whole year. It was so much fun laughing, opening presents and doing all the other festive stuff. But this year, you weren't looking forward to it at all, because Mark wasn't going to be there.

This was one of the few times out of the year that you got to see him. Christmas season was your favorite time to spend with Mark and now you wouldn't be able to. You sighed deeply, it had been a few weeks since he had told you he wouldn't be coming. You hardly texted him, and hadn't called him. You just couldn't talk to him knowing you wouldn't be able to see him soon.

As you began to walk out the door, you heard your phone ding. Assuming it was your mother probably asking to pick something up, you checked only to see a text from Mark.

"I mailed mom my present for you. She'll give it to you tonight in place of me, I hope you like it!"

You locked your phone and threw it into your purse. You didn't want the present unless Mark was the one handing it to you. You drove to your parents' house very slowly trying to get the night over and done with already. You texted your parents telling them Mark wouldn't be home this year for Christmas, so you had an excuse to be pouty. You pulled into the driveway seeing Mark's family already there, sad that you didn't have their son with you.

You walked in and your mom was overly nice to you. You narrowed your eyes at her as she took your things.

"What?" she asked innocently.

"When my hamster died, and I cried for a week you weren't this nice to me. What's your deal?" You interrogated.

"Oh nothing! It's Christmas and I wanted to show my love for you." She said and scurried off. Something was up but you decided not to worry about it. You said hello to everyone and sat down to dinner.

"(Y/N), how are you?" Marks mom asked you.

"I'm alright, a little sad since Mark isn't here." You replied.

"Oh." She mumbled but you noticed the obvious smirk on her face.

What is going on? You thought to yourself. After dinner and a few drinks of eggnog it was time for presents. Everyone quickly ripped through the wrapping, thanking the givers for them and opened the packaging. You however, slowly opened your presents and barely expressed anything. You heard Tom lean to his mother,

"Can we give it to her now?" He asked.

"Give me what?" You questioned.

"Mark's present. We won't be able to give it to you until next year with how slow you're going." Tom laughed. You gave a weak smile and Mark's mother stood up.

"Okay shut your eyes." So, you did, starting to get a little too curious about what was going on. You heard whispers and footsteps and the crinkling of wrapping paper.

"Alright open up!" She said. Upon opening your eyes, you were greeted with a huge box covered in pink mustache wrapping paper. You gave a quizzical look to everyone but got up and began to take off the wrapping paper. Once you uncovered the top, something jumped out of the top,

You screamed and fell flat on your back, everyone was laughing at you and then you heard it. The low baritone laugh that always made you smile, the laugh that was music to your ears. You shot up and saw him. Mark standing in the box in a Christmas sweater with a bow on his head. He was grinning from ear to ear and you felt the tears start to fall.

"Aww baby don't cry!" He said and quickly stumbled out of the box, wrapping you in his arms. You sobbed from sheer happiness and took a deep breath, inhaling his cologne. You smiled as you looked up at him, those big chocolate brown eyes already looking down at you.

"So how do you like your present? It took me a while to pick it out." He said. Your response was pulling him into a kiss, and you nearly melted from the touch of his lips on yours. Oh how, you had missed his soft, plump lips on yours. You could taste the peppermint Chapstick he had on as you deepened the kiss a little. You pulled him so close to you, afraid that he would vanish if he let go.

"Hey there, isn't any mistletoe around!" Tom shouted. You and Mark both broke away from one another laughing.

You looked at Mark and pulled him into a hug.

"I love you." You whispered into his ear.

"I love you too." He whispered as he kissed your nose.

Then the rest of the night was spent drinking, being merry and bright with the love of your life. This turned into one of your favorite Christmas eves ever.

Sorry this kinda sucks and has a crappy ending. But either way i hope you like it! I thought it was cute just not executed very well, lol!! But anyway, i hope you all are safe especially for those of you in L.A!

What should i write about next? Comment below some ideas!

Well i hope you all enjoyed this part 2 and i will see you in the next chapter!!!

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