;11 Unplanned Date

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You sat in the restaurant in your favorite red dress. The quiet jazz music and people having pointless conversations filled your ears. You stared down at your glass of water swirling it gently.

"Hi, are you sure, you don't want anything?" The waitress asked. This was her, what felt like, billionth time checking in on you. You had been sitting here for over an hour, waiting for your douchebag of a boyfriend to show up. You defiantly were going to break up with him now.

"No, I'll wait a little longer thank you." You replied smiling politely. The waitress gave you sympathy smile and rushed away. You sighed and checked your phone. No new messages, no missed calls. He wasn't even telling you why he was late. You tried reaching him countless times but he didn't respond. You tucked a piece of fly away hair behind your ear felt a small tear roll down your cheek. You were stressed, tired and just worn out. A night to just laugh and be with your boyfriend was what you really needed but apparently you wouldn't be getting that anytime soon.

You felt the eyes of strangers bore through you and you really just wanted hide underneath the table. You even heard a few whispers of people talking about you and the pitying eyes of the staff. Another tear escaped from your eye and you let out a small sniffle. Suddenly you heard the chair across from you be pulled out. You mentally began to prepare an angry speech and planned on breaking up with your boyfriend. As you inhaled to speak, a soft baritone voice spoke. It defiantly was not your boyfriends,

"I'm so sorry babe that I'm late. I get held up at work and traffic is a riot right now." The man explained loudly. You looked up to see a very handsome man, with welcoming chocolate brown eyes and fluffy fire red hair. He had the beginnings of a beard, almond shaped eyes and glasses. He wore a very lavish gray suit with a dark grey tie with white stripes. He had a deep purple pocket square and you had to say it fitted him very nicely. He smiled sweetly at you and leaned in closer to you,

"I'm Mark. Just go with it, yeah? Whoever didn't show up is a massive dick. I mean you looking absolutely stunning and he's missing out." Mark whispered. This statement gained a smile from you along with a little blush.

"I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you Mark. You know, I'm defiantly breaking up with my douchebag boyfriend now." You replied. Mark laughed and you it was one of most beautiful sounds you had ever heard. It was deep and bassy but it was contagious. Suddenly the waitress appeared before speaking she gave Mark a nasty glare,

"What can I get you both?" She asked.

"We'll both take spaghetti and meatballs." Mark responded to her and once again she was gone. Mark looked back at you with such an admiring gaze that you felt your heart soar.

"I hope I'm not taking you away from your own date." You said a little worried.

"Oh no, it's fine. I'm actually here for a little business party so no worries." He assured. You felt a weight fall off you and immediately relaxed. Then you and Mark began to talk about yourselves. You learned a lot about Mark and Mark learned a lot about you. As you both ate your dinner, you felt as though you had found your prince charming. He was funny, charming, cute as hell and everything you've ever wanted in a guy. You felt like leaping across the table and kissing him at some points. But you held back, when the bill arrived you suddenly felt fear run through you. You wanted to see this man again, you wanted to go on more dates with Mark discussing space and video games.

"I'll pay for it." Marks voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Oh no, I'll pay. You're the one who saved me from my own humiliation." You argued.

"Yes, but you gave me the opportunity to go on a date with such a gorgeous woman." You felt your cheeks turn bright red,

"Technically, my ex-boyfriend did." You said flustered.

"You're right. Maybe I should write him a thank you letter, do you have a pen?" He asked sarcasm heavy on his voice. It was silent for a moment before you both erupted into laughter, gaining stares from the people around you. You had never felt like this before with anyone you had ever dated. It was nice, he made you not care about what other people thought of you. Once you both had calmed down, he spoke.

"How about we split it?" He offered. You simply nodded your head still giggling.

"But seriously, do you have a pen?" He asked as you pulled out your wallet. You gave him a confused look but dug around your bottomless pit of a purse and pulled out a pen. He gratefully took it from you and grabbed a napkin and scribbled something down. You put your half of your payment on the bill tray then Mark handed you the napkin.

Mark Fischbach

Cell-*Insert number here because the author is to lazy to make one up*

You looked back up at Mark who winked at you as he handed the waitress the bill. As the waitress walked away Mark stood up and extended his hand to you. You graciously took it and stood up. You put your arm through Mark's elbow then you both walked together out of the restaurant. When you both were out in the chilly night air, you felt sad knowing the night was over.

"I suppose that went pretty well for it being an unplanned date between two strangers." You said smiling up at Mark. He returned the look then looked out at the bustling street.

"Yes. Yes, it did." He then turned back at you.

"Look I know we just met and everything and I don't really know if you're that interested in me but would you want to do something like this again? A properly, planned date of course." Mark asked you. You felt your heart explode and cheeks turn pink. You bit your lip,

"Yes, Mark Fischbach. I would love too." Mark smiled and bent down a little then gave you a kiss on the cheek.

"Call me okay?" Mark said and you simply nodded in response still stunned from what happened. Then Mark turned away and walked away into the cool night. You glanced down at the napkin with the rushed handwriting and smiled to yourself. Then headed home awaiting that proper date.

(Part 2?)







So as you saw I'm thinking about a part 2 of this imagine but I'm not really sure. So tell me what you think!! Also once again sorry for the long hiatus and stuff. ALSO NEW COVER!!! TELL ME WHAT YOU GUYS THINK!! But I hope you enjoyed this Imagine and thanks for all the comments, votes and reads! I hope you all enjoyed this imagine and I will see you in the next one!!

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