;13 Like real people do

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You twirled around, barefoot, on the kitchen floor. You were in your favorite floral sundress and your hair was a mess but you didn't care. It was a beautiful day in southern Ohio. The sky was blue, the sun warmed your cheeks, the grass was vibrant green and it was a perfect 75 degrees. You smiled to yourself as you stopped spinning suddenly realizing how happy and in love you were with your life.

"What are you all smiles about?" You heard your husband of a year say. You looked up to see Mark Fischbach, with his brown hair a mess and sleeves rolled up to his elbows, smiling at you.

"Oh, I'm just realizing how content I am with life. I'm just so happy." You said giggling. Mark rushed up to you and picked you up. He spun you around with you squealing and holding tightly onto his fore arms. You thought back to when you first met Mark, he was a pretty popular Youtuber but after you two were wed. He decided to quit and try to lead a normal life with you, he's currently been going to school to be an engineer. You both decided to go someplace quiet and what better place than home. You both were from Ohio so it made sense to come back. Ever since then you two have had of course your ups and downs but it's been alright. You've always made it through together,

Suddenly, you snapped from your thoughts when you felt your feet touch the cool hardwood floor.

"Let's hope I didn't make the baby sick." Mark said with great concern as he knelt down so he could be eye to eye with your now very pultruding stomach. You laughed at his concern,

"I think the baby's fine Mark." You commented. You then felt a jolt in your stomach,

"Someone's kicking again." You said smiling down at your stomach.

"Really?!" Mark exclaimed and immediately pressed his face to your stomach. Then pulled away and looked up at you with those iconic warm chocolate brown eyes that you had fallen in love with.

"I felt it!" Mark said smiling then hugged your stomach. You smiled down at Mark,

"Now, don't hurt your mother again or we will have a problem when you pop outta her." Mark stated with a large frown on his face. You burst out laughing, your husband was such a child sometimes.

"You're going to be a great father you know. You'll be able to understand about being a child." You said smirking as Mark stood up.

"Are you saying I'm a child?" Mark questioned as he crossed his arms and pouted.

"Case in point." You giggled. Mark quickly uncrossed his arms and wrapped his arms around you. He then started swaying and you quickly realized he wanted to dance. You smiled as you began to dance with him. You both danced around the kitchen to the music in your heads. You laid your head on Marks chest, and closed your eyes. Sometimes you just wanted to stay like this for forever, just you and Mark (plus the little one.) dancing to unheard music and the sunlight flooding the kitchen and warming you both. Mark rested his head on yours, thinking about how he never thought this would happen. A normal life, living back home and having a beautiful wife and a baby on board. His wildest dreams had come true and he felt like the happiest man in the world.

You lifted your head and looked at Mark, you always loved Marks eyes when the afternoon sunlight hit them. They were copper and auburn. It always amazed you, then Mark began to slowly lean forward. You didn't close the gap because you missed the slow, passionate kisses. The ones that were slow to start and slow to end. Then Mark's lips were on yours, and everything stopped.

Honey, put your lips on my lips. And let's kiss like real people do.

You both moved together as one and you rested your hands on Marks forearms while he had his hands on your hips. It had been a long time since you both had a kiss like this, slow, passionate and just loving. There was nothing sexual about it and that made you smile in the kiss. Mark's lips were the same as always, soft, plump and tasting of cherry chap stick. You both stood for a long time just embracing each other and kissing. When you finally pulled away for air, you smiled up at Mark.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Mark said then kissed your cheek at knelt down and kissed your stomach,

"And I love you second."

Then you both sat on the porch enjoying the last bits of light and eating pancakes for dinner.

You were happy.








Hello! Sorry for not updating for so long I've just been busy and haven't had any ideas for an imagine. I know this is short but I hope you all enjoy and please please listen to the song. This really doesn't have the  meaning if you don't listen to the song while reading it!

Well I hope you all enjoyed it! Thank for all the votes, comments and reads I truly appreciate it! I love you all and leave request down below if you have one! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next one!.

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