Ch. 2

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*Dallas's POV*

I giggled and reached over and touched Austin's hair. "It's so soft!" I slurred.

He smiled and patted my hand. "I think it's time to get you home."

I stood up and stumbled a few feet to the side. "I'm fine." I said, falling into Austin's lap and pitching into a fit of laughter.

Austin sat up. "Okay." He picked me up. "Let's go."

I layed over his shoulder. "Gimme another drink!"

"Dallas. You're already drunk. No more. I'm cutting you off." Austin said, carrying me to the car.

I smacked him in the back. "You're not the boss of me."

He put me in the car. I saw Emily hand Austin a piece of paper. My head spun and I closed my eyes.

*Austin's POV*

I drove Dallas to her apartment and pulled into the parking lot. Emily told me to make sure I took her to her house and not Damen's. I wondered who this guy was. Or why she stayed with him since he sounded like such a monster.

Dallas groaned and I looked over at her. She was passed out. She had taken her jacket off and now I seen the bruises on her arms. When I looked down at her wrists and forearms, I saw the cuts. They went from her elbow and all the way down. I shook my head.

"Dally. Wake up." I gently shook her leg. "We're home."

She groaned again and opened her eyes. They were glassy and red. "What?"

"You're home. I'm gonna help you inside." I said, undoing her seatbelt.

She nodded and opened her door. I got out and ran around the car and helped her out. She leaned into me.

We got to the door and Dallas leaned against the doorway and closed her eyes. I tried opening the front door but it was locked.

"Where's your keys?" I asked.

She opened her eyes and squinted at me. "Damen?"

"No, Dallas. It's Austin." I felt the pockets on her jacket. I grabbed her keys and unlocked the door. "Come on." I said, grabbing her hand.

After a few minutes of wandering, I finally found her apartment. I unlocked that door and pulled her inside, throwing our keys on the counter. She stumbled a little and leaned against the counter.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She nodded. "I just wanna go to bed."

I looked around. "Where's your room? I'll help you?"

She shook her head. "No, thank you."

I nodded. "Okay." I grabbed keys and opened the door. "Call Emily if you need anything." I stepped out and shut the door behind me.

When I turned to walk down the hall, I bumped into a tall, sort of heavy guy. "My bad." I said.

He grunted and kept walking.

When I got down to my car, I realized I had taken the wrong keys. "Shit." I said under my breath.

I went back up to Dallas's apartment. When I was about 3 apartments down, I heard her screaming. I ran down the hall. Her door was open.

When I stepped in, I saw the guy I bumped into. He was on top of Dallas, beating her.

Anger flashed through me. I grabbed him by his shirt and threw him through the bathroom door. He got up and ran at me. I stepped at him and when my fist hit his face, I heard a crunch and him screaming.

I felt Dallas push me. "Austin! Stop!" She ran to the guy. "Damen! Let me help you!" She moved his hand away from his face.

He slapped her in the mouth. She yelped and stepped back, bouncing off me. "You think you can bring some guy home and get away with it?" He said.

Dallas held her hand over her mouth, she was bleeding. I pushed her aside. "Put your hands on her again, and I'll break your neck."

Damen smirked. Blood ran down his face and covered his teeth. "You made a mistake, messing with my girl." He looked at Dallas. "You'll regret this." He turned and walked out the door, slamming it. Dallas jumped and sunk to the floor, sobbing.

I got down on the floor with her. "Dallas? It's okay. You'll be okay. I'm here. He's not gonna hurt you."

She cried so hard her whole body shook. I held her and rubbed her arm. "Hey," I whispered. "I'm here. I'll protect you."

I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. I layed her on her bed and covered her up. She curled up into a ball. I kissed her forehead and went and layed on the couch. I watched the door until I fell asleep.

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